Center for Complex Quantum Systems
Formerly The Ilya Prigogine Center for Studies in Statistical Mechanics and Complex Systems
The Transition to Chaos: Conservative Classical and Quantum Systems by Linda Reichl Springer, 2021 3rd Edition ISBN: 978-3-030-63533-6. Order this book online from Amazon. A thorough, comprehensive discussion of classical and quantum chaos theory with applications ranging from atomic dynamics to the structure of galaxies. Specific discussions include mechanisms for the onset of classical and quantum chaos, KAM theory, classical and quantum scattering theory for chaotic systems, Arnol’d diffusion in classical and quantum systems, random matrix theory, thermalization of quantum systems. The dynamics of atomic and molecular systems in the presence of time-periodic radiation fields Text is self-contained and appendices help provide much of the needed background in mathematics. | |
Nonequilibrium Dynamics of Collective Excitations in Quantum Materials by Edoardo Baldini Springer, 2018 ISBN: 3030084698. Order this book online from Springer. This book explores the nonequilibrium dynamics of collective excitations in quantum materials through the framework of ultrafast optical spectroscopy. Special emphasis is given to the relationship between collective modes and fundamental materials properties, instabilities, and phase transitions. | |
A Modern Course In Statistical Physics by Linda E. Reichl Wiley-VCH, 2016 4th Edition, 482 pages ISBN: ISBN: 978-3-527-41349-2. Order this book online from Wiley-VCH. A Modern Course in Statistical Physics is a textbook that illustrates the foundations of equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical physics, and the universal nature of thermodynamic processes, from the point of view of contemporary research problems. | |
The Transition to Chaos Conservative Classical Systems and Quantum Manifestations by Linda E. Reichl Springer-Verlag, New York, 2004 2nd Edition, 675 pages ISBN: 0-387-98788-6. Order this book online from Springer-Verlag. Based on courses given at The University of Texas at Austin and University of California at San Diego, this book treats an active fields of research that touches upon the foundations of physics and chemistry. | |
Uncertainty and Surprise in Complex Systems editors: Reuben R. McDaniel Jr. and Dean J. Driebe Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2005 200 pages ISBN: 3-540-23773-9. Order this book online from Springer. The papers in this volume were first presented at the conference, “Uncertainty and Surprise: Questions on Working with the Unexpected and Unknowable,” held April 10-12, 2003 at the McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas at Austin. | |
Is Future Given? by Ilya Prigogine World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, November 2003 160 pages ISBN: 981-238-507-X. Order this book online from World Scientific. In this book, after discussing the fundamental problems of current science and other philosophic concepts, beginning with controversies between Heraclitus and Parmenides, Ilya Prigogine launches into a message of great hope: the future has not been determined. | |
The Transition to Chaos In Conservative Classical Systems: Quantum Manifestations by L.E. ReichlSpringer-Verlag, New York, 1992 Hardcover–551 pp. ISBN: 0387977538. Order this book online from The book on chaos that is becoming a modern classic. A perfect introduction to the fundamental concepts of chaos, including perturbation theory, nonlinear resonances, and nonintegrable systems. The reader will learn about basic mapping techniques and stochasticity. The quantum section includes a detailed introduction to Floquet theory and the delta-kicked rotor. | |
Classical Relativistic Many-Body Dynamics by Matthew A. Trump and W. C. SchieveKluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1999 Hardcover–365 pp. 92 illustrations ISBN: 079235737X. Order this book online from Find out more about this book. The first book that explains in detail the world-time theory of motion for relativistic particles with mutual interaction. Learn how field theory is essentially limited to one-body motion, and how a 1941 classical model of pair annihilation may at last allow the dynamical description of systems of two or more particles. Several experimental tests are suggested. This book is chock-full of new research opportunities for graduate students and researchers into relativity. | |
Fully Chaotic Maps and Broken Time Symmetry by Dean J. Driebe Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1999 Hardcover ISBN: 0792355644. Order this book online from A must-have book on dynamical maps. The book is an excellent graduate-level introduction to the use of maps to describe irreversible physical systems. | |
The End of Certainty: Time, Chaos, and the New Laws of Nature by Ilya Prigogine, Nobel Laureate The Free Press, N.Y., 1997 Hardcover–240 pp. ISBN: 0684837056. Order this book online from Dr. Prigogine is world-renowned not only for his contributions to physical science, but also for his ability to explain complex ideas in terms that anyone can understand. This acclaimed book, written for readers of all ability levels and backgrounds, is a superb introduction to the meaning and implications of chaos and irreversiblity in the natural world, including the question of our perception of time. | |
Modern Thermodynamics: from Heat Engines to Dissipative Structures by Dilip Kondepudi and Ilya Prigogine John Wiley & Sons, N.Y., 1997 Hardcover–508 pp. ISBN: 0471973939. Answers to exercises and solutions. Order this book online from or J. Wiley & Sons | |
Exploring Complexity: An Introduction by Grégoire Nicolis and Ilya Prigogine W. H. Freeman and Co., N.Y., 1989 Hardcover–313 pp. ISBN: 0716718596. Order this book online from | |
Order Out of Chaos by Isabel Stengers and Ilya Prigogine Bantam Books, N.Y., 1986 Paperback ISBN: 0553343637. Order this book online from | |
Nonlinear Dynamics and Evolutionary Economics by Richard Day and Ping Chen eds. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1993 Hardcover ISBN: 0195078594. Order this book online from | |
Economic Complexity and Equilibrium Illusion:
Essays on Market Instability and Macro Vitality by Ping Chen Routledge, London, 2010 Hardcover ISBN: 0415746841. Order this book online from | |
Methods and Finance: A Unifying View on Finance, Mathematics and Philosophy by Emiliano Ippoliti and Ping Chen Springer, 2017 Paperback ISBN: 3319498711. Order this book online from |