Center for Complex Quantum Systems / Condensed Matter Seminars
Unless otherwise noted, seminars are held in PMA 11.204 on Thursdays and begin at 12:30 p.m.
SPRING 2025 |
February 20: Yinming Shao, Penn State University Magnetically Confined Quasiparticles in Quantum Matter Host: Edoardo Baldini |
February 27: Marlan Scully, Texas A&M University Unruh and Cherenkov Radiation from a Negative Frequency Perspective Host: Mark Raizen |
March 6: Jun Zhu, Penn State University Title TBA Host: Elaine Li |
March 13: Lincoln Carr, Colorado School of Mines Title TBA Host: Mark Raizen |
March 25: Ting Ke, Academia Sinica, Taiwan Title TBA Host: Ken Shih |
March 27: Aaron Young, Harvard University Progress in cold atom Hubbard quantum simulators: from boson sampling to new phases of matter Host: Paul Kunz |
April 3: Haim Beidenkopf, Weizmann Institute of Science Title TBA Host: Chih-Kang (Ken) Shih |
April 10: Shuolong Yang, University of Chicago Title TBA Host: Edoardo Baldini |
April 17: Ilija Zeljkovic, Boston College Title TBA Host: Ken Shih |
April 24: Jigang Wang, Ames National Lab and Iowa State University Quantum Dynamics and Coherent Control Across Complex Systems: From Higgs Bosons to Weyl Fermions Host: Elaine Li |
May 13: Manato Fujimoto, Harvard University Title TBA Host: Junyeong Ahn |
FALL 2025 |
August 28: Junyeong Ahn, UT Austin Title TBA Host: Linda Reichl |
October 9: Matteo Mitrano, Harvard University Title TBA Host: Edoardo Baldini |