Through conducting focus groups, we aim to learn more about the cultural stressors experienced by Austin’s Latinx/hispanic youth and parents. We hope to better understand the cultural stressors that Latinx/Hispanic youth and families experience to further understand what resources are needed to effectively manage these experiences. Through previous years of JUNTOS Familia (years 1 &2), we learned that discrimination, racism, and prejudice are among some of the most prevalent cultural stressors experienced by Latinx/Hispanic high school students in Austin. Our long term goal is to help develop a family-based program that helps students and parents learn how to cope with discrimination, racism, and prejudice.
Want to learn more? Click either link to read our infographics!
ENG Infographic | SPN Infographic
Year 4:
In Year 4 of JUNTOS Familia, we have launched our family-based program JUNTOS PODEMOS in which we will explore skills to help manage discrimination and racism to ultimately promote Latino/Hispanic youth well-being.
Year 4 will consist of 3 types of meetings: youth-only, parent-only, and family meetings. Participants will attend these meetings and complete 3 surveys, and there are also optional home activities to take part in. For this program, we are recruiting 60 families, 30 of which will participate in meetings and complete the surveys, and 30 of which will only complete the surveys. Participants will be compensated $40 for each assessment, totaling $120 per person.
Interested Participants:
We are currently recruiting the following participants for Year 4:
- Austin-area Latino/Hispanic Students in 9th-10th grade (ages 14-17)
- Parents of 9th & 10th grade Latinx/Hispanic high school students in the Austin-area.
Please reach out if you are interested! You can contact us at: projectjuntosut@gmail.com
Year 3:
In Year 3 of JUNTOS Familia, we hope to gain feedback from Latinx/Hispanic high school students and parents about intervention content related to a family-based program to help Latinx youth and parents learn ways to manage discrimination and racism. Year 3 will consists of focus groups, in which:
- Groups of 5-10 high school students discuss their thoughts and opinions on intervention materials.
- Groups of 5-10 parents of high school students discuss their thoughts and opinions on intervention materials.
Interested Participants:
We are currently recruiting the following participants for Year 3 of JUNTOS Familia:
- 9th & 10th grade Latinx/Hispanic high school students in AISD.
- Parents of 9th & 10th grade Latinx/Hispanic high school students in AISD.
Please reach out if you are interested! You can contact us at: projectJUNTOS@utexas.edu
Years 1&2:
In Year 2, we aimed to learn how Latinx/Hispanic high school students and parents cope with experiences of discrimination and racism. The study consisted of virtual focus groups via Zoom, in which:
- Groups of five to ten high school students met to discuss how they have experienced racism and discrimination and how they cope and address those circumstances and the feelings associated with them.
- Groups of five to ten parents of high school students met to discuss how they have experienced racism and discrimination, how their children have experienced racism and discrimination, and how they cope and address those circumstances and the feelings associated with them.