after KB
facetime me / facetime me again / have a car picnic together / let me read at their virtual show/
talk about our relationship to pain / talk shit with me / wear a mask / poetry over zoom / put my
name in for a panel / let me vent / ask for my opinion / call me during the snowstorm / call me
again / ask me if i’m absolutely sure i wanna stay in the snow / offer me a warm room / let me
eat their chicken pot pie when i was gonna faint / let a white person i love stay with them / let
my cats stay too / wear a mask / let me eat their food / let me eat more of their food / drive back
with me & gaby to check the electricity / hold space when i couldn’t process the snow was gone /
listen to me explain that the snow was this high when i was here last / talk about how greg
abbott wants to kill us / imagine me beating greg abbott with my cane / cowork / show me the
cover art for their book / listen to my fears / tell me their fears / ask me to write them a rec letter
/ listen to me talk about my life / tell me about their life / listen to my poems / tell me i should
be in the new yorker / show me their anger / show me their exhaustion / take turns with gaby
pushing my chair on an “accessible” hiking trail / wear a mask / stop to look at the tiniest
flowers i’ve ever seen / advocate for people like me when i’m not there / do t shots with me on
wednesdays / write a poem about doing t shots on wednesdays / tell the truth / love me / let me
love them

Jazz Bell (they/ them) is a multidimensional professional offering Arts & Consulting services. They explore Disability Justice, Accessibility, LGBTQIA+ Justice, Sexuality, and Fat Liberation through visual art & graphic design, poetry & writing, vocal performance, consulting, speaking engagements, and more.
Their poetry has appeared in Button Poetry, Muzzle Magazine, Write About Now, Nat. Brut, the Dialogist, and elsewhere. They are a 2018 Pink Door fellow, a 2021 Fresh A.I.R. Resident, and their work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and “Best of the Net”. For more information on Jazz’s work, visit