In this episode of Audio QT, Karma Chávez talks with allgo co-founder and activist María Limón about her work supporting people living with HIV and AIDS in the early days of the pandemic, and the program called Informe Sida. This interview was recorded on December 1, 2021 and originally aired on KOOP Radio’s People United program on Dec. 10. Thanks to Allan Campbell and KOOP for permission to re-use.

María Limón, nacida y criada a la orilla del río que antes era grande, she finished raising herself among a circle of activists tending to issues as diverse as the gentrification of the East Side, getting the Texas National Guard out of Honduras, and ensuring that Cuba stayed libre. Her fifteen minutes of fame involved the Austin police department flexing their authoritarian muscle at an anti-KKK rally and helping establish one of the longest-running queer POC organizations in the country while learning how to help close friends die. Having learned that changing the conditions that create injustice and inequality happens one meaningful connection at a time, she coaches people on uprooting the beliefs about ourselves and others an oppressive society shoves down our throats. UC Denver’s Center on Domestic Violence provides the salary that brings home the fakin’ bacon.

Karma R. Chávez (she/her) is Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Mexican American and Latina/o Studies, and a member of the LGBTQ Studies Advisory Council at The University of Texas at Austin.