One of our patrons’ favorite features about our current exhibition Frank Reaugh: Landscapes of Texas and the American West, is the “guide by cell” audio tour for visitors. This audio tour lets visitors call in and hear informational snippets about the paintings on display. Ransom Center Curator of Art Peter Mears discusses highlights from the exhibition, and Project Specialist Greg Curtis speaks as the voice of Frank Reaugh to narrate the artist’s own comments.

As we continue to round up a herd of Mears’s favorite Reaugh pieces, this week we feature Reaugh’s pastel, O Roundup. Here we can see several cowboys riding on horseback to gather the cattle amongst a striking plains background marked by soft warm tones.
Hear Mears speak about the historic significance of Reaugh’s O Roundup, showcasing the heyday of cattle drives prior to the closing of the Western frontier and a diminished need for the roundups common during the cowboy days of yore.