Researcher(s):Daniel P. O’Shea, Alicia M. Betsinger and Christopher T. King
Date Published: April 1999
Publisher(s): Ray Marshall Center for the Study of Human Resources, The University of Texas at Austin
Abstract: This report presents preliminary findings regarding the career progression of individuals in ten occupations. The project was designed to explore the education, training, and work experiences of individuals who are successful in these occupations as a possible basis for career guidance information and further research. The occupations were selected as probable “apex” occupations projected from “entry” occupations for which job placements are currently favorable.
Researchers conducted face-to-face interviews in the Austin metropolitan area with between five and ten individuals in each occupation. Participants were identified and recruited through professional or employer association, training or educational providers, and personal referrals. Because of the convenience sampling and small numbers of participants, findings are anecdotal and are not generalizable.
Executive Summary (HTML) Printed Copies: 58pp, $5.50
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