Non-federal Workforce System Performance Measures in the States: Overview
Researcher(s):Dan O’Shea, Sarah Looney and Christopher T. King
Date: December 2003
Publication Type: Full Report (PDF); Executive Summary (PDF)
Abstract: Researchers from the Ray Marshall Center for the Study of Human Resources at the University of Texas at Austin (RMC), working closely with the National Governors Association’s Center for Best Practices, conducted interviews and reviewed pertinent documentation with key state administrators and staff of ten states that are recognized leaders in the area of workforce performance measurement and management. This report is an overview of the experiences of those states with the design and implementation of non-federal workforce performance measures. These findings are drawn from RMC research profiles of the seven more advanced states (California, Florida, Michigan, Oregon, Texas, Utah, and Washington) and briefs of the three states (Missouri, New York, and Pennsylvania) that remained in a relatively early phase of development.
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