Authors: Daniel Schroeder, Sarah Looney, and Deanna Schexnayder
Date: October 2004
Publication Type: Report, 54pp.
Also Available: Executive Summary
Abstract: This was the second of two reports evaluating the Bootstrap Project, a program created as a supplement to the Texas Fragile Families Initiative (TFF). The TFF program helped organizations around the state increase their capacity to serve young, low-income fathers. Bootstrap provided enhanced services to fathers so they could develop the necessary resources to become responsible parents who met the needs of their children.
This impact evaluation addressed four primary research questions regarding the economic effects of necessary Bootstrap services on low-income noncustodial fathers. The research compared the outcomes for Bootstrap participants to those of a carefully selected comparison group of other young, low-income fathers on the Office of the Attorney General of Texas’ child support caseload. The results reported strongly suggested that the Bootstrap program was successful in achieving its goals of improving outcomes for young, low-income noncustodial fathers and the mothers of their children. However, the researchers cautioned that the results should be interpreted cautiously due to various factors needing clarification with further research.
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