Principal Investigator: | Christopher T. King, PhD |
Sponsor: | The Rockefeller Foundation |
Research Partners: | Skillpoint Alliance and Capital IDEA |
Project Duration: | October 2004 – August 2005 |
Description: | Central Texas has a robust, dynamic, and unique set of workforce institutions — including Skillpoint Alliance (formerly Capital Area Training Foundation), Capital IDEA, and Austin Community College — that are the envy of other communities across the nation. These organizations, as well as Central Texas’ two workforce development boards, embody key features of leading-edge workforce intermediaries. The region is also unique in a number of other respects that make it a particularly attractive site for developing and operating a major workforce intermediary initiative, including: unusually high levels of public and private support for its workforce development services; its pursuit of a cluster-based approach to workforce services; and the level of grass-roots action and public concern over skills gaps and income disparities among its residents. The Ray Marshall Center is coordinating a nine-month planning process to design a workforce intermediary initiative for all of Central Texas, working in partnership with two of Austin’s premier workforce intermediaries: the Skillpoint Alliance and the Capital IDEA. The researchers will also engage a broad array of local stakeholders in this process, including employer groups, community organizations, and philanthropic institutions. The principal outcome of this planning process will be the design and funding plan for a uniquely Central Texas workforce intermediary initiative, based in its own set of institutions, traditions and context.
During the planning process the research will focus on addressing several core questions:
Reports Available: | Approaches to Adjusting Workforce Development Performance Measures Authors: Joe Siedlecki and Christopher T. King Date: August 2005 Publication Type: Policy Brief, 7pp.Proposed Approaches to Workforce Development Performance Measurement Authors: Sarah Looney and Christopher T. King Date: February 2005 Publication Type: Policy Brief, 6pp. Expanding Opportunities for Business and Workers: Promising Practices for Workforce Intermediary Initiatives Mapping and Improving State Workforce Development Systems: Lessons from Five States |
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