The Foundation for Child Development has awarded the Ray Marshall Center a grant of $218,219 to support the first two phases of the Dual-Generation Strategy Initiative, a multi-year project aimed at providing quality early and primary education programs (PreK-3rd) to children from low-income families, and effective workforce development and skills training to their parents. The objectives in the project are to improve simultaneously educational outcomes for the children and employment outcomes for the parents, ultimately leading to long-term learning and economic success for both generations. The project also seeks to provide new data and to encourage widespread implementation of dual-generation strategies among policymakers at the local, state, and federal levels.
Dr. Chris King, along with Center researchers Dr. Bob Glover and Tara C. Smith, will implement the project. The first phase begins in April 2011 and includes gathering information, developing the project’s framework, identifying participants, and convening with key stakeholders. The second phase will begin in fall 2011 and centers on development of a detailed implementation plan for the initiative and selection of pilot sites. Subject to garnering additional funding and partnerships, the third phase will be the pilot implementation, which is targeted to begin June 2012. The fourth phase will occur throughout the entire project period and focuses on developing the research agenda and performing ongoing evaluation of the initiative.
The Foundation for Child Development (FCD) is a national private philanthropy in New York City dedicated to promoting a new beginning for American education from PreKindergarten through Third Grade (PreK-3rd). PreK-3rd Grade Education is a seamless learning continuum, connecting high-quality PreK programs with high-quality elementary schools, to create a well-aligned primary education for all our nation’s children. The Foundation promotes the well-being of children, and believes that families, schools, nonprofit organizations, businesses, and governments at all levels share complementary responsibilities in the critical task of raising new generations.
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