In the April 16 issue of the Employment and Training Reporter (ETR), executive editor Cecilio Morales discusses research findings from the Center’s local workforce development evaluations in the article “Long-term Efforts Beat Quick Fix Outcomes, Yields ROI Payoff.” Click here to read the ETR article.
The article discusses findings from “Local Investments in Workforce Development: 2012 Evaluation Update” in which Center researchers found mixed results for shorter term interventions but longer-term interventions showed positive statistically signficant employment and earnings outcomes. In addition to improved, sustained outcomes for participants, longer term interventions also have significant returns to the taxpayer. Capital IDEA, an Austin-based workforce intermediary implemented the demonstration project for longer-term interventions. In the report “Exploratory Returns-on-Investment Analysis of Local Workforce Investments,” researchers found that for every dollar invested in Capital IDEA, taypayers received $5.01 over a 20-year period.
Travis County makes numerous investments in workforce development services earch year. Since 2006, the County has engaged the Ray Marshall Center to conduct evaluations for the workforce development demonstration projects that it funds. Evaluations include outcomes evaluation and exploratory impacts analysis based on a quasi-experimental research design. To learn more about the Center’s work on this project, click here.
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