October 16, 2012 – Chris King was issued a grant for his work on the Two-Generation Anthology with the The Ascend Institute. King attended the Aspen ThinkXChange and Fellows Forum last week, which focused on the potential of two-generation approaches.
The Aspen Institute Two-Generation Anthology
Ascend Fellows: Dr. Chris King, Dr. P. Lindsay Chase-Lansdale, and Dr. Mario Small
Ascend strategy: Building a Network and Elevating Solutions
Projected outcome for the field: This project will produce a single volume by leading experts (both researchers and practitioners) that can be widely read, cited, and used by other researchers, practitioners, and policymakers. By documenting various applications of the two-generation approach piloted by Ascend Fellows and relevant measures of success, the anthology will support a wider understanding of and credibility for two-generation strategies as a solution to break the cycle of intergenerational poverty.
Grant amount: $38,000
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