In conjunction with the public release of the first Texas early childhood education needs ssessment in 40 years, the Ray Marshall Center (RMC) hosted a one-day conference, entitled “Texas Early Childhood Education Needs Assessment: Findings, Policy Implications and Promising Service Models,” on Monday, October 31, 2012, at the LBJ School of Public Affairs on the campus of The University of Texas at Austin. The conference agenda is available here.
The conference featured findings and information from he Center’s recently-completed research project, “A Statewide Early Childhood Education Needs Assessment for Texas.” The 16-month-long project, funded by the Texas Early Learning Council (TELC) at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHSC), consisted of a team of researchers including Deanna Schexnayder, assistant dean for finance and administration at the LBJ School and senior research scientist at RMC, who served as principal investigator; and Professor Steve Murdock of the Department of Sociology at Rice University in Houston and director of the Hobby Center for the Study of Texas, also based at Rice, who was co-principal investigator.
The afternoon breakout sessions presented new ideas for delivering services to young Texas children and their families and for improving the overall quality of existing services. Two concurrent sessions followed lunch: one on the Texas Family Child Care Home Project, chaired by Susan Landry, director of CLI, with Dr. Brandon as discussant; and one considering perspectives from other states, a panel moderated by Ms. Schexnayder and including Dr. Kreader, Roberta Weber of Oregon State University and the Oregon Early Learning Council, and Reggie Bicha of the Colorado Department of Human Services.
The final afternoon sessions included a discussion on fostering two-generation strategies in the United States, chaired by Dr. King, and one on Texas home visiting programs, chaired by Associate Professor Cynthia Osborne of the LBJ School. Associate Professor Elizabeth Gershoff of the School of Human Ecology at the University of Texas at Austin served as discussant for both of these topics.
Additionally, Helen DuPlessis, senior advisor of the University of California at Los Angeles Center for Healthier Children, Families, and Communities chaired a session on using new research data to transform Texas communities, with Don Titcombe, manager of TELC as discussant.
Ms. Schexnayder’s team of researchers are publishing several reports related to the project on the RMC web site on October 30, 2012.
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