Monday, October 29, 2012
Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs
Bass Lecture Hall
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The Ray Marshall Center sponsored a day-long conference on the recently-completed Texas Early Childhood Education Needs Assessment on October 29, 2012 at the LBJ School of Public Affairs at The University of Texas at Austin.
The project was a partnership among the Texas Early Learning Council, the Ray Marshall Center and the Hobby Center for the Study of Texas at Rice University, in an effort to provide the most comprehensive review and evaluation of Texas’ early care and education needs and capacity in 40 years.
Welcoming the participants were Dean Robert Hutchings of the LBJ School and John Gasko, director of state initiatives of the Children’s Learning Institute at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston and past chair of the Texas Early Learning Council. Deanna Schexnayder, assistant dean for finance and administration of the LBJ School, senior research scientist at the Ray Marshall Center and principal investigator of the research project, provided an overview of the day.
Topics and speakers at the conferenced included:
Texas Early Childhood Education Assessment Findings and Policy Implication — Ms. Schexnayder; Steve Murdock, director of the Hobby Center and co-principal investigator of the project, and Michael Cline, associate director of the Hobby Center;
Emerging Findings From the National Survey of Early Care and Education — Richard Brandon, retired director of the Human Services Policy Center, University of Washington and co-principal investigator, National Survey of Early Care and Education;
Early Childhood Data 3.0: Transforming Texas Communities — Helen DuPlessis, senior advisor at the UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families and Communities;
Investing in Children and Parents: Fostering Two-Generation Strategies in the United States — Christopher King, director and senior research scientist at the Ray Marshall Center;
Texas Home Visiting Programs — Cynthia Osborne, associate professor at the LBJ School;
Perspectives from Other States — Lee Kreader, deputy director of the National Center for Children in Poverty at Columbia University and member of the New York State Early Childhood Advisory Council; Bobbie Weber of Oregon State University and the Oregon Early Learning Council; and Reggie Bicha of the Colorado Department of Human Services; and
Texas Family Child Care Home Project — Susan Landry, director of the Children’s Learning Institute.
Some 100 persons attended the conference, which included a panel session at lunch responding to the findings. Dr. King served as moderator, and the panel members were Carlos Rivera, director of health and human services for the City of Austin; Bill Hammond, president of the Texas Association of Business; and Dr. Kreader.
Conference Documents, Presentations and Reports
Texas Early Childhood Education Needs Assessment: Final Report: FIndings and Policy Implications, Deanna Schexnayder, Ray Marshall Center for the Study of Human Resources
Texas Early Childhood Education Needs Assessment: Final Report: FIndings and Policy Implications, Steve H. Murdock and Michael Cline, Hobby Center for the Study of Texas
New ECE Data Sources: National Survey of Early Care and Education, Richard N. Brandon
Low-Income Children and Early Childhood Education: National Perspectives on Texas, J. Lee Kreader, National Center for Children in Poverty
Beginning Education: Early Childcare at Home (BEECH), Susan Landry, Children’s Learning Institute, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Investing in Children and Parents: Fostering Two Generation Strategies in the United States, Christopher King, Ray Marshall Center for the Study of Human Resources
Perspectives from Other States: Oregon’s Early Learning Council, Bobbie Weber, Oregon State University and Oregon Early Learning Council
The Power of Local Data: Using the Early Development Instrument (EDI) in the Texas Community Campaign for School Readiness, Helen DuPlessis, UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families and Communities
Change in the Early Childhood and School Age Population in Texas, 2000 to 2010, and Projected to 2015 (September 2012). Steve H. Murdock, Michael Cline, Debbie Perez, George Hough and P. Wilner Jeanty. Hobby Center for the Study of Texas, Rice University. 140 pp.
Texas Early Childhood Education Needs Assessment: Supply and Quality of Early Care and Education and School-Age Care (August 2012). Deanna Schexnayder, Cynthia Juniper, Anjali Gupta, Daniel Schroeder and Vanessa Morales. Ray Marshall Center for the Study of Humas Resources, The University of Texas at Austin. 114 pp.
Gaps between Need and Availability of Early Care and Education (October 2012). Deanna Schexnayder, Cynthia Juniper and Daniel Schroeder. Ray Marshall Center for the Study of Humas Resources, The University of Texas at Austin. 51 pp.
November: Texas Early Childhood Education Needs Assessment: Final Report (November 2012). Deanna Schexnayder, Cynthia Juniper, Daniel Schroeder, Steve H. Murdock, Michael Cline, Deborah Perez, P. Wilner Jeanty and George Hough. Ray Marshall Center for the Study of Humas Resources, The University of Texas at Austin, and Hobby Center for the Study of Texas, Rice University. 80 pp.
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