Dan O’Shea represented the Ray Marshall Center, Project GROW’s evaluator, at a two-day project launch event on January 24th and 25th in McAllen. The event included participatory workshops and presentations from the RMC, technical assistance providers, administrators, planners, and program service delivery staff. Project GROW partners discussed ongoing work on programmatic and data collection refinements, as well as processes related to client flow, education and training services, and financial and program reporting requirements. Project GROW intends to begin enrolling clients by mid-March of this year. RMC research staff will begin field work in the BWA region in April.
Growing Regional Opportunity for the Workforce: Expanding the Border for Lower Skilled Adults (GROW) is a Department of Labor funded project that aims to transform the workforce development system in a five-WIB region along the Texas-Mexico border. The Border Workforce Alliance (BWA) – a consortium comprised of the Cameron, Lower Rio, Middle Rio, South Texas and Upper Rio Workforce Investment Boards – is partnering with regional employers, one-stop operators, community colleges, training providers, and community-based organizations, as well as with national workforce intermediary Jobs for the Future, to align and strengthen workforce system components in order to accelerate credential attainment and career entry by lower-skilled adults, as well as to meet the skilled workforce needs of key industry sector employers.
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