An Evaluation of Local Investments in Workforce Development – 2014 Update
Authors: Tara Smith, Kristin Christensen, and Greg Cumpton
Date: June 2015
Publication Type: Report, 78pp.
The evaluation examines outcomes and impacts for participants in Travis County-funded community-based workforce programs over time. Seven providers with long-standing County contracts have been the focus of an ongoing evaluation of the outcomes and impacts of local workforce services investments led by the Ray Marshall Center since 2006:
1. American YouthWorks
2. Austin Academy
3. Austin Area Urban League
4. Capital IDEA
5. Goodwill Industries of Central Texas
6. Skillpoint Alliance
7. Workforce Solutions–Capital Area Workforce Board
Most providers on the list primarily offer short-term occupational and basic skills training. Capital IDEA is the only one to offer longer-term training for higher-skilled occupations, though it should be noted that many American YouthWorks participants can engage in long-term education and training through the program’s adult education and service learning model. The evaluation examines outcomes and impacts for participants in community-based workforce programs over time. This 2014 Update report has three objectives: to extend the labor market outcomes analysis for 2009-2011 participants from all seven providers; to add 2012 participants for each provider to the evaluation; and to identify the impact of participation in a County-funded workforce program in comparison with individuals who received other publicly-funded workforce services.
The report includes separate sections for each of the seven providers examined. Each section includes a brief profile of the provider and its workforce development program(s), details outcomes for participants from calendar years 2009 through 2012, and highlights statistically significant impacts from participation. All findings examine results in the post-service period through June 2014. The final section provides a summary of the evaluation update and identifies goals for the next evaluation report.
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