Dr. Daniel Schroeder, RMC Research Scientist, and Ms. Ashweeta Patnaik, RMC Social Science Research Associate, were invited to present their findings from the ADARE-SNAP study to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service (USDA ERS) during a meeting held in Washington D.C. on June 7, 2016. The multi-state Administrative Data Research and Evaluation (ADARE) Alliance’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Study was funded by USDA ERS. The goals of the ADARE-SNAP study were to (1) analyze the interaction of SNAP caseload and recipient household composition dynamics aligned with receipt of Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits and participation in UI covered employment, and (2) demonstrate by state-specific approaches and accomplishments how analyses based on longitudinal files of linked confidential state administrative data can be replicated in other states, and extended and refined by the partners in the consortium states. During this meeting, Dr. Schroeder and Ms.Patnaik discussed how the two safety net programs jointly operated in the unique economic conditions and policy environment of Texas, and in particular how they responded to the Great Recession and its aftermath. Study partners from other states in the alliance also attended the meeting and shared highlights from their state-specific analyses. The meeting was organized by the The Jacob France Institute at the University of Baltimore and hosted by USDA ERS.
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