Evaluation of ACC-SIP Initiatives: Baseline Assessment
Date: June 2017
Publication Type: Report, 18pp.
As a first step in the evaluation, the evaluation team conducted a baseline assessment by examining students who entered ACC in the five years prior to the grant being implemented. The goal of this baseline assessment is to provide information on the student outcomes that the SIP grant aims to change, by establishing pre-operation exposure conditions of key outcome indicators, retention rates, graduation rates, time to completion, and cohort loan default rates.
The baseline also provides an information base against which to monitor and assess the grant’s progress during implementation, and after the grant has ended. The baseline provides a critical reference point for assessing changes and impact. Over the grant implementation period, RMC will measure progress along these key outcome indicators and track any changes compared to the baseline. The goal is to provide actionable information about the success of the intervention while each successive cohort of recipients is in the process of receiving services, allowing for relatively rapid reflection and program modification as needed by ACC staff.
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