Senior Research Scientist Dr. Chris King was invited to present research at the International Labour Organization‘s Centenary Workshop “Debating the Future of Work: Challenges and Prospects” in Sheffield, England on May 28-29, 2019. On the second day of the workshop, he will be joined by Jason Heyes (Centre for Decent Work, University of Sheffield, UK) and Ryuichi Yamakawa (Central Labour Relations Commission and University of Tokyo, Japan) to discuss Governance, Labour Administration, and Social Dialogue. Topics addressed in the presentation include:
- Changes in the world have created new challenges for labour adminstration bodies, such as labour inspectorates and public employment services.
- How have they responded to these challenges?
- How might labour administration be more effective?
- What role can social dialogue play in ensuring effective labour governance and inclusive economic growth?
The presentation was made possible with support from the ILO. It has benefited from discussions with colleague Burt Barnow from George Washington University and sources currently or formerly with the US Department of Labor.

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