Evaluation of Travis County Investments in Workforce Development: 2017 Update
Authors: Cynthia Juniper, Patty Rodriguez, Heath Prince, and Greg Cumpton
Date: December 2017
Publication Type: Report, 72 pp.
This evaluation examines outcomes and impacts for participants in the Travis County-funded community-based workforce programs exiting services in FY 2016. To understand the impact of these services, the County has contracted with the Ray Marshall Center for the Study of Human Resources (RMC) at the University of Texas at Austin to conduct a longitudinal evaluation of its investments. This Workforce Development (WFD) evaluation process will prepare the first year analysis of outcomes and estimated net impacts of these investments in the programs funded in FY 2016, the first of a five year on-going evaluation (FY 2016- FY 2020).
The first section presents an overview of the evaluation questions and research methods, followed by separate sections for each of the providers examined. Each provider section includes a brief profile of the provider and its workforce development program(s), and details outcomes and impacts for participants who exited the program during FY 2016. Findings examine UI wage data for the quarter the client exited services, four quarters prior to entering the program, and four quarters post exit. Findings examine results in the post-service period through June 30, 2017, the latest quarter for which UI wage data is available. Additionally, each section reports annual funding levels. The final section summarizes evaluation findings from FY 2016.
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