Principal Investigator: | Christopher T. King, PhD |
Sponsor: | The Rockefeller Foundation |
Research Partners: | Skillpoint Alliance and Capital IDEA |
Project Duration: | October 2005 – March 2007 |
Description: | The Central Texas Workforce Intermediary Initiative (CTWII) will build and strengthen support among Central Texas stakeholders for a major workforce intermediary initiative linked to long-term economic growth and regional vitality. Specifically, the initiative will result in increased training and job creation, especially high-skilled jobs offering high wages, improved job retention, and career advancement for area residents, new business and industry development, greater productivity for the Central Texas business community, and greater economic and social equity across the community. The initiative will focus its efforts on nursing and allied health careers in the region’s steadily growing healthcare industry sector.
The CTWII coalition will utilize a two-phase approach as it transitions from the planning stage to implementation. Phase I will focus on systems and capacity building. It will continue to solidify and expand accomplishments from the planning grant phase, including promoting ongoing stakeholder engagement, bolstering funding, finding additional ways to align funding streams, and continuing to work for improved public policies and political support. This phase will allow the group to implement and test select strategies in one initial industry sector — healthcare — then make adjustments as necessary before full-scale implementation. Phase II will include the continued expansion of the initial industry sector initiative and planning for the expansion of the initiative into at least one and possibly two additional industry sectors. This phase will also focus on long-term planning and sustainability of the efforts launched in Phases I and II. The overarching goal of our work in the healthcare industry sector will be to address the human resources needs of Central Texas healthcare employers by increasing the capacity of leading education and training institutions locally — especially Austin Community College and University of Texas’s School of Nursing — to connect low-income workers with job and career advancement opportunities in the healthcare industry. Through our efforts, we will:
Food Stamps, Unemployment Insurance, and the Safety Net
Principal Investigator: | Daniel Schroeder, PhD |
Sponsor: | Joint Center for Poverty Research, Food Assistance Research Small Grants Program |
Project Duration: | July 2005 – December 2006 |
Description: | Legislative reforms in the food stamp and the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) programs in the 1990s, together with a booming economy and the Earned Income Tax Credit, led to dramatic increases in employment among single mothers and smaller increases among other low-income families. The deterioration of the economy after 2000, however, has raised again the question of the adequacy of the safety net for nonworking families. This study will examine the extent of support from government programs, especially food stamps, among nonworking families, but with a focus on a program that has not received much research attention: the Unemployment Insurance (UI) program. The UI program is of interest because the increases in employment among disadvantaged families in the 1990s should have been expected to increase eligibility for benefits. This, in turn, may have led to greater receipt of UI in the recent downturn and to less reliance on food stamps, given that the latter program is also aimed, in part, at serving unemployed families during downturns. The researchers will use an administrative data set from the state of Texas containing information on food stamp, TANF, and UI recipients over the period 1996 to 2005 to investigate these questions.
The study will document the incidence of different kinds of assistance receipt, especially during the downturn, giving particular attention to the relationship between food stamps and UI benefits (how many individuals receive one but not the other, both, neither); will estimate event history models to determine whether receipt of UI leads to reduced entry and increased exit from the food stamp program; will examine how the nature of food stamp and UI spells changed as the Texas economy moved from expansion to recession to recovery; and will estimate the effects of such receipts on income from earnings, UI, and welfare. |
Reports Available: | Food Stamps, Unemployment Insurance, and the Safety Net Author: Daniel Schroeder Date: May 2007 Publisher: The Harris School of Public Policy Studies at the University of Chicago Publication Type: Report, 43pp. (Harris School Working Paper Series 07.15) |
Community Agenda Assessment Project
Principal Investigators: | Christopher T. King, PhD and Ying Tang |
Sponsor: | United Way Capital Area |
Project Duration: | November 2005 – December 2006 |
Description: | The Ray Marshall Center at the University of Texas at Austin (RMC) is conducting a research project to assist the United Way Capital Area (UWCA) develop a Community Agenda on health and human services within the 10-county Capital Area region. The research is designed to lead to a synthesis of existing information and stakeholder perspectives on the priorities in health and human services. Specifically, RMC is charged as follows:
Phase I: Identify, collect and analyze existing regional data on the state of major health and human services issues, indicators and demographic trend; and Phase II: Gauge the perspectives of major stakeholders across the ten-county area regarding major issues, root causes, solutions and prospects for health and human services. The Ray Marshall Center will produce a data analysis report as a result of Phase I work. The data analysis report will present major indicators of demographic trends, several indicators under important issue areas related to health and human services, a summary listing of the issues or priority issues previously identified by stakeholders through community assessment or planning processes in recent years, and a number of regional and county-specific highlights based on data and issues analysis. The report of the Phase II work will be a summary of findings based on analysis of input from different types of stakeholders in the ten counties. Specifically, stakeholder input is sought on the following topics:
To the extent possible, the Phase II report will also attempt to compare the issues and priorities that loom largest in the perspectives of the stakeholders and comparable data points on such issues and priorities. |
Reports Available: | A Profile of the Capital Area Community: A Data Analysis Report for the United Way Capital Area Authors: Ying Tang, Suzanne Hershey, Christopher T. King, Erin Brown, and Katie Ryan Date: March 2006 Publication Type: Report, 100pp. A Profile of the Capital Area Community: A Profile of the Capital Area: A Regional Summary Toward Equity for All: Findings from Stakeholder Input on the Capital Area Community Agenda Project Toward Equity for All: Findings From Stakeholder Input on the Capital Area Community Agenda Project (Executive Summary) Community Agenda Project Findings and Recommendations |
Critical Skill Shortages Initiative
Principal Investigators: | Robert Glover, PhD and Christopher T. King, PhD |
Sponsor: | WorkSource – Greater Austin Area Workforce Board |
Project Duration: | April 2005 – August 2006 |
Description: | The Ray Marshall Center will collaborate with industry and community representatives to work with two industrial sectors to alleviate critical skills shortages in key occupations. The two targeted industrial sectors will have high job growth, pay higher than average wages and benefits, and be experiencing critical skill shortages in key occupations. The project will examine root causes for these critical shortages and propose practical solutions. The researchers anticipate that the first target sector will be health care. Abundant information is already available regarding this industry in Central Texas, as well as existing activities and institutions that can be built on. Researchers will do a quick verification to confirm this choice. This strategy of selecting health care on the front end will allow researchers to accelerate the project rapidly into the second (root causes) and third (solutions) phases for this sector. Key representatives from this sector have indicated that while much is known about it already, much more needs to be done to understand and effectively respond to its needs.
The second industry sector will be selected on the basis of findings from the data analysis and discussions with representatives from industry and the community regarding their responsiveness to work with this initiative. Researchers will build on existing efforts and make best use of available data and programs underway. They will collaborate with interested employers in the selected industries to verify the shortages, examine root causes, and seek practical solutions to alleviate the shortages. The project will be documented in a series of reports, including a Critical Skills Report, for each of the two industry sectors selected, a report on Root Causes of the shortages, and a report on Solutions tailored for each sector. Each of the solutions reports will include a work plan, with endorsements that could be used as the basis of a proposal to be submitted to an external funding agency or organization. The researchers view this project as a means to establish a more effective collaborative process in Central Texas – not merely a research project designed to develop a series of written reports. They aim to put into placed a catalytic process that will generate and facilitate activities by key actors. Success will require strong input and meaningful participation by the firms and industries involved, as well as by training providers and the community. The end result for Central Texas should be improved productivity for employers in key sectors, as well as enhanced labor market success for area residents. |
Reports Available: | Critical Skill Shortages Project: Recommendations for Selection of Two Key Industry Clusters for Further Work Authors: Robert W. Glover, Suzanne Hershey, Christopher T. King, and Deepshikha Roychowdhury Date: June 2005 Publication Type: Report, 48pp. Critical Skill Shortages Project: An Assessment of Root Causes for Skill Shortages in Biosciences and Biotechnology in Greater Austin Critical Skill Shortages Project: An Assessment of Root Causes for Skill Shortages in the Wireless Industry in Greater Austin Critical Skill Shortages Project: Addressing Potential Skill Shortages in Biosciences and Biotechnology in Greater Austin Critical Skill Shortages Project: Addressing Potential Skill Shortages in Wireless Technology in Greater Austin |
Bridging the Gap Pilot Study
Principal Investigator: | Deanna T. Schexnayder, MBA |
Sponsor: | Center for Economic and Policy Research |
Research Partners: | Center for Social Policy, University of Massachusetts, Boston; and Center for Urban Economic Development, University of Illinois at Chicago |
Project Duration: | January 2005 – March 2006 |
Description: | The “Bridging the Gap”Pilot Study has the following goals:
The Ray Marshall Center for the Study of Human Resources will produce a preliminary report on the major findings in Texas. RMC will subsequently conduct outreach activities, which will include briefings for advocates and provider organizations in Texas, in order to present preliminary findings and generate feedback from advocates. |
Reports Available: | Bridging the Gaps Authors: Deanna Schexnayder and Heather Boushey Date: February 2006 Publication Type: PowerPoint presentation, 16pp. Texas Economic Supports for Working Families: A Product of the Bridging the Gaps Project |
Devolution of Subsidized Child Care Services in Texas – Deanna Schexnayder
Devolution of Subsidized Child Care Services in Texas | |
Principal Investigators: | Deanna Schexnayder and Laura Lein |
Sponsor: | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
Research Partners: |
Center for Social Work Research, The Univeristy of Texas at Austin |
Project Duration: | October 2001 – September 2005 |
Description: |
The purpose of this three-year research project is to examine subsidized child care programs over a time period during which responsibility for these programs was devolved from the state to the local level. The study will address the following questions: How do local child care policies in Texas vary following the devolution of responsibilities for child care policies to the local workforce boards? What is the process by which changes in the provision of publicly subsidized child care are implemented? Which changes in the availability of child care statistically associated with policy variations? Which change in patterns of child care usage are statistically associated with policy variations at the state and local level? During the first year of this project, researchers will survey all 28 local workforce boards, identify policy changes, and analyze subsidy and market rate data to develop profiles describing each local area. Three sites will be selected for an in-depth examination of policy variations, patterns of service utilization, shifts in the supply of services, costs of care and quality of services. In the third year, data from all facets of the over six years covered by this research will be combined and used in an econometric analysis to answer the research questions. |
Reports Available: |
The Texas Child Care Subsidy Program After Devolution to the Local Level: A Product of the Study of Child Care Devolution in Texas (June 2004). Deanna Schexnayder, Daniel Schroeder, Ying Tang, Laura Lein, Julie Beausoleil, Gina Amatangelo. Ray Marshall Center for the Study of Human Resources, The University of Texas at Austin, and Center for Social Work Research, School of Social Work, The University of Texas at Austin. 50 pp., 5 appendices.
Texas Child Care Profiles for Local Workforce Development Areas FY 1998 – FY 2001: A Product of the Study of Devolution of Subsidized Child Care in Texas (April 2003). Daniel Schroeder, Trish Norman, Ying Tang, Matthew Randazzo, Deanna Schexnayder, Laura Lein, Julie Beausoleil, Sara Trott. Ray Marshall Center for the Study of Human Resources, The University of Texas at Austin. 92pp.
Preliminary Findings from Interviews with Child Care Program Managers: A Product of the Study of Devolution of Subsidized Child Care in Texas (April 2003). Laura Lein, Julie Beausoleil, Sara Trott, Deanna Schexnayder, Daniel Schroeder, Ying Tang, Matthew Randazzo. Ray Marshall Center for the Study of Human Resources, The University of Texas at Austin. 29pp
The Process of Devolution: Perceptions from Local Boards: A Product of the Study of Child Care Devolution in Texas (October 2007). Laura Lein, Julie Beausoleil, Ying Tang. Ray Marshall Center for the Study of Human Resources, The University of Texas at Austin, and the Center for Social Work Research, School of Social Work, The University of Texas at Austin. 58pp.
Child Care Devolution in Texas: The Relationship of Child Care Policies to Subsidy, Employment and Market Durations: Final Technical Report (March 2008). Deanna Schexnayder, Daniel Schroeder. Ray Marshall Center for the Study of Human Resources, The University of Texas at Austin, and the Center for Social Work Research, School of Social Work, The University of Texas at Austin. 64pp.
The Devolution of Subsidized Child Care in Texas: Final Summary Report (March 2008). Deanna Schexnayder, Laura Lein. Ray Marshall Center for the Study of Human Resources, The University of Texas at Austin, and the Center for Social Work Research, School of Social Work, The University of Texas at Austin. 27pp. |
Workforce Intermediaries
Principal Investigator: | Christopher T. King, PhD |
Sponsor: | The Rockefeller Foundation |
Research Partners: | Skillpoint Alliance and Capital IDEA |
Project Duration: | October 2004 – August 2005 |
Description: | Central Texas has a robust, dynamic, and unique set of workforce institutions — including Skillpoint Alliance (formerly Capital Area Training Foundation), Capital IDEA, and Austin Community College — that are the envy of other communities across the nation. These organizations, as well as Central Texas’ two workforce development boards, embody key features of leading-edge workforce intermediaries. The region is also unique in a number of other respects that make it a particularly attractive site for developing and operating a major workforce intermediary initiative, including: unusually high levels of public and private support for its workforce development services; its pursuit of a cluster-based approach to workforce services; and the level of grass-roots action and public concern over skills gaps and income disparities among its residents. The Ray Marshall Center is coordinating a nine-month planning process to design a workforce intermediary initiative for all of Central Texas, working in partnership with two of Austin’s premier workforce intermediaries: the Skillpoint Alliance and the Capital IDEA. The researchers will also engage a broad array of local stakeholders in this process, including employer groups, community organizations, and philanthropic institutions. The principal outcome of this planning process will be the design and funding plan for a uniquely Central Texas workforce intermediary initiative, based in its own set of institutions, traditions and context.
During the planning process the research will focus on addressing several core questions:
Reports Available: | Approaches to Adjusting Workforce Development Performance Measures Authors: Joe Siedlecki and Christopher T. King Date: August 2005 Publication Type: Policy Brief, 7pp.Proposed Approaches to Workforce Development Performance Measurement Authors: Sarah Looney and Christopher T. King Date: February 2005 Publication Type: Policy Brief, 6pp. Expanding Opportunities for Business and Workers: Promising Practices for Workforce Intermediary Initiatives Mapping and Improving State Workforce Development Systems: Lessons from Five States |
NCP Choices: Providing Workforce Development Services to Non-Custodial Parents
Principal Investigators: | Daniel G. Schroeder, PhD |
Sponsor: | Office of the Attorney General of Texas and Texas Workforce Commission |
Project Duration: | July 2005 – August 2011 |
Description: | The goal of the Non-Custodial Parent Choices (NCP Choices) demonstration is to get unemployed and/or underemployed non-custodial parents (NCPs) with unpaid child support orders into workforce development services so that they can better meet their financial obligations to their children. Child support can be one of the most important sources of income in assisting single parent households to escape from poverty. Despite significant gains over the last decade or so, receipt of child support among public assistance families remains low. Many NCPs are unable to meet their financial obligations due to unemployment or underemployment. Previous attempts to engage low-income NCPs in workforce development services have had success for some participants, but typically have problems meeting enrollment goals. NCP Choices solves this in a straightforward manner: noncompliant NCPs are given the choice of paying their child support, participating in workforce services, or going to jail.
The Ray Marshall Center (RMC) is estimating preliminary impacts of NCP Choices in four demonstration sites. Outcomes of interest include child support collections, workforce development participation, employment and earnings levels of NCPs, and TANF receipt by the custodial parents (CPs). |
Reports Available: | Non-Custodial Parent Choices PEER Pilot: Impact Report Authors: Daniel Schroeder, Kimberly Walker, and Amna Khan Date: August 2011 Publication Type: Report, 45 pp. Non-Custodial Parent Choices Establishment Pilot: Impact Report Non-Custodial Parent Choices Establishment and PEER Pilots: Preliminary Impact Report Non-Custodial Parent Choices Establishment Pilot: Early Implementation Results Texas Non-Custodial Parent Choices: Program Impact Analysis (2009) Texas Non-Custodial Parent Choices: Program Impact Analysis (2008) Texas Non-Custodial Parent Choices: Program Impact Analysis (2007) Texas Non-Custodial Parent Choices: Preliminary Program Impact Analysis Evaluating the Non-custodial Parent Choices Program in Texas: Literature Review, Early Implementation Results, and Preliminary Impact Analysis Plan |
Urban Welfare-to-Work Transitions Book
Principal Investigator: | Christopher T. King, PhD and Peter Mueser |
Sponsor: | W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research |
Research Partner: | University of Baltimore |
Project Duration: | 1999-2004 |
Description: | Christopher T. King and University of Missouri-Columbia economics professor Peter Mueser received a grant from the W. E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research in 1999, supplementing funding from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration, to prepare a book on welfare-to-work transitions in six, very diverse urban areas around the country: Atlanta, Baltimore, Chicago, Ft. Lauderdale, Houston and Kansas City (MO). King, director of the Ray Marshall Center and the Hogg Professor of Urban Management at the LBJ School, and Mueser completed their research in 2004. The Upjohn Institute published the book, Welfare and Work: Experiences in Six Cities in February 2005. |
Transforming State and Local Workforce Development Systems
Principal Investigators: | Christopher T. King, PhD |
Sponsor: | National Governors Association, Ford Foundation |
Project Duration: | April 2000 – December 2004 |
Description: | Researchers at the Ray Marshall center participate in selecting and convening a Next Generation Initiative Advisory Group. They assist in conducting a competitive process in the spring of 2002 for selecting up to eight states to participate in the academy for planning and implementing policies and strategies to transform the workforce development system in their states. They participate in conducting site visits in each of the selected states in late spring/early summer to meet with the state team regarding their participation in the academy and work with the partners to expand the scope of the Next Generation Initiative throughout the first year by connecting with other related initiatives.
Through research on policies, strategies, and practices, they develop a policy/strategy paper on comprehensive performance management/measurement to inform the Next Generation on workforce development. They will assist in developing papers starting in early fall 2001 as part of the NGA Chair’s Initiative that draws on the knowledge gained from the Next Generation policy/strategy papers. The paper will be finalized in January 2001 and presented to Governors at the NGA Winter Meeting in February 2002. |
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