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Published resources:
The project evaluated in this report, the Austin Two-Generation Pilot Project, provided English as a Second Language classes three mornings a week in the spring semester 2015 for adults with children enrolled in two different Austin Independent School District sites: Uphaus Early Childhood Center and Linder Elementary school. The project was designed to gain an understanding of the implementation process and participant experience of a two-generation project in Austin, TX to inform future two-generation project development in the region.
Two Generations. One Future: An Anthology from the Ascend Fellowship, featuring the 2012-2013 class of the Aspen Institute Ascend Fellows, is the culmination of more than two years of collaboration and bold idea development, aimed at building a cycle of intergenerational opportunity in America. The Anthology includes essays from leading practitioners, policymakers and experts, and researchers, capturing the momentum, challenges, and opportunities for two-generation approaches emerging at the local, state, and national levels.
This paper is intended to serve as a getting-started guide for state and local policymakers as they begin to develop and implement two-generation strategies in their areas. It begins with an overview of the most recent family of innovative two-generation programs and provides several examples of the model that illustrate different approaches to a two-generation strategy with strong workforce and/or education components.