The origins of Rho Chi are to be found in an honor society calling itself the “Aristolochite Society” which was established in 1908 in the Pharmacy department of the University of Michigan. Plans for national expansion began in 1917, culminating in the formation of two additional university chapters in 1922.
Another movement to create a national honor society for pharmacy was also begun in 1917, this one by the American Conference of Pharmaceutical Faculties. It was soon recognized that the Aristolochite Society, which had taken the Greek name “Rho Chi” and had received a charter from the state of Michigan under its new name on May 19, 1922, already offered what it was the Conference was seeking to establish. Wisely, no attempt was made to create a competing society and instead in 1922 Rho Chi was recognized by the Conference as “The Honor Society of Pharmacy.” The two movements had merged into one.
Nu Chapter. Established 1930.