
Current Students

Thy Doan is an undergraduate student studying Biomedical Engineering at UT Austin.




Alex Weidman is an undergraduate honors student studying Mechanical Engineering at UT Austin.




Past Students

Camille Edwards is an undergraduate student studying Mechanical Engineering and minoring in Materials Science and Engineering at UT Austin. She is currently developing plans for a vertical active stabilization system that will optimize the apogee of a rocket through the use of canards.


Amanda (Mandy) Hiett is a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering student at the University of Texas at Austin pursuing an Elements of Computing certificate. She is an active member of the Longhorn Rocketry Association and is a current Co-Lead of the Vertical Active Stabilization Team, where she is working to assist in the development of actuatable canards to optimize the vertical trajectory of a rocket. She is most interested in controls theory and software development.

Baxter Gonzalez is a Mechanical Engineering student at Austin Community College. His research interests include improving quality of life for the handicapable, as well as product design. He received his high school diploma from Westwood High School, and has spent the years since improving his skills as an engineer and researcher. He is currently developing a method of converting manual wheelchairs into electric driven wheelchairs, with an emphasis on overall aesthetics and dignity for the user, as well as cost efficiency. In his free time, he enjoys hiking, designing for 3D printing, and rock climbing.

Aditya Goyal is a third-year undergraduate student currently pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering (Honors) at the University of Texas at Austin with a focus on thermal fluids. His first introduction to research was with the combustion research team at UT Austin where he worked on a rotating liner technology and designed a coupling to connect an engine with a dynamometer to run torque or power analysis. As of now, Aditya is currently finding ways to optimize the print process in additive manufacturing using genetic algorithms. He is intrigued by the process of additive manufacturing and how it can help revolutionize the way we think about design and manufacturing in the future. He is currently an active member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and enjoys playing sports and music in his spare time.

Maydha Kohli is a third year undergraduate majoring in Mechanical Engineering at UT Austin. She was first exposed to research through the Freshman Intro to Research in Engineering program at UT, where she worked on a project involving water purification with the solar thermal effect in gold nanoparticles. Now, she is investigating optimal arrangements for systems of solar panels. She is especially interested in how we can draw inspiration from nature in doing so, such as by placing panels in treelike arrangements and/or according to the Fibonacci sequence. Outside of research, Maydha is involved with UT’s chapter of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. In her spare time she likes to cook and croche.

Tyler Cronin is an undergraduate student in Mechanical Engineering at UT Austin.




Blake Keene is an undergraduate student in Mechanical Engineering with a focus in Manufacturing and Design. Blake collaborated with Tyler Cronin on researching a theoretical approach to capturing, storing, and re-purposing carbon dioxide emissions of internal combustion engines; specifically automobiles. For this research, Blake was responsible for performing energetic and exergetic analyses of an Organic Rankine Cycle with an integrated Temperature Swing Adsorption cycle — a proposed system that can capture up to 90% of carbon dioxide emissions within a diesel exhaust stream. Blake intends to receive a masters degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin, as part of the school’s five-year integrated bachelors/masters program.
