– By Alaa El-Saad, Senior –
Alaa completed a summer externship at Houston Methodist. The experience challenged her to think faster while on the job.
As the weeks of being on the unit have gone by, my knowledge and skills have increased and I LOVE that! I feel so smart and it’s barely half way into the program. I keep thinking faster and faster on my feet. However, I have come to realize not everything is about skills that you learn in nursing school. Trust me, I know skills are a very exciting thing to be able to do and master, but it’s not the most important part, not at all. You can teach a monkey to screw a screw with a screwdriver, but you can’t teach a monkey to critically think on your feet. So some advice, always take the opportunity to do skills and ask, but make sure you are using your brain and critically thinking as much as you can. That is where this internship can do so much for you.
Not to mention the social benefits that you gain. To say I am having fun would be an understatement. I am having a blast! We have done so much! We go to Rice Village at least once a week and Pappasito’s is right around the corner and the shuttle can take you! If you have never had Pappasito’s, you are missing out. I think it is my favorite restaurant ever and all I have ever eaten there are the fajitas. I also attended an Astros game, my first baseball game ever. So much team spirit – reminds me of a UT football game. Other great local outings are Hermann Park and the museum, which is free on Thursdays!