Due to Austin’s growing population, Austin Travis County Integral Care’s (ATCIC) HR Director Rodney Guinn recently shared the agency is prepared to hire more nurses in the next few years to address the city’s behavioral health needs.

ATCIC staff, including two RNs and two human resource representatives, spoke to graduate nursing students during a brown bag presentation at the school on Oct. 28. The agency has a multitude of programs that serve infants up to adults and offer services for developmental disabilities, psychiatric crises, jail diversion, transition assistance for adults in nursing homes looking to return to their homes, and more. Each year, the agency serves 26,000 people at 46 locations that include outpatient and inpatient clinics, a mobile service, and home visits.
RN Audrey Davis has been with the agency for more than 10 years and works at two of the three outpatient clinics. She says she has stayed with the agency because it offers a less stressful environment where she can focus on one patient at a time. RN Jason Snedegar agrees that working for ATCIC offers him personal satisfaction knowing that he is helping some of the people that he routinely sees walking near his residence downtown in need of mental health services.

Guinn shared that he foresees the agency hiring between 15 to 25 nurses in the next few years. Several incentives that ATCIC offers consist of a competitive career ladder, and training and shadowing an RN.
Current positions, including part-time listings, are posted on the ATCIC website at www.integralcare.org/careers.