Maternal -Newborn Nursing Birthing Simulation Days.
The simulations serve as introductory learning experiences for students in the Maternal -Newborn nursing clinical practicum courses.
Volunteer standardized patients play the role of a birth setting laboring and postpartum patient during the simulation.
The School of Nursing faculty welcomes and appreciates all volunteers in this valuable educational experience for entry to practice nursing students.
Sign up here: Maternal-Newborn Nursing Acute Care Sim
Maternal -Newborn Nursing Birthing Simulation Days description:
Student’s progress through this birth setting simulation caring for the laboring woman, newborn, and postpartum mother patients. No experience is necessary.
Volunteers act in the laboring and postpartum patient role, based on cue cards, mini scripts, and brief pre-Sim training, to help guide the students through the scenarios.
Faculty also assists with simulation days. (Nursing / pre-nursing students may also volunteer if in the senior 1 or 2 level of the BSN curriculum or beyond -must have completed J2 level).
**Note: Simulation standardized patient volunteers may also qualify for some incentive/ compensation for each four hours of standardized patient time served. If you are interested in receiving the incentive, please see
Maternal Postpartum Hemorrhage Simulation:
This acute care setting simulation serves as an introductory learning experience regarding a maternal postpartum hemorrhage; an obstetrical emergency. Volunteers play the role of the postpartum mother/ patient who presents with a postpartum birth canal hemorrhage, who the nursing students care for. No experience is necessary. Volunteers act in the standardized postpartum patient role, based on cue cards, mini scripts, and brief pre-Sim training, to help guide the students through the scenario. Faculty also assists with the simulation day. (Nursing / pre-nursing students may also volunteer if in the senior 1 or 2 level of the BSN curriculum or beyond – must have completed J2 level).
DeAnna Baker | Technical Project Supervisor, 4.121 | 1710 Red River St. | Austin, Texas 78712 | 512-471-7961 || The University of Texas at Austin-School of Nursing | Learning Enhancement and Academic Progress (LEAP) Center