Message on behalf of the Senate of College Councils: On Wednesday, November 6th, we are holding a town hall regarding Academic Equity on campus, hoping to explore various circumstances and disadvantages that students of this university may face when attempting to remain academically on par with their peers.
We hope to gain insights and opinions from students of different demographics hailing from many of the diverse groups on campus, and were hoping you could help us with this feat. Would it be possible for you to share word of our town hall with your department and students? It would do much to enable us to attract a wide range of voices and opinions from the student body.
Our town hall is taking place in the Legislative Assembly Room of the SAC/WCP from 6:00 to 7:30 PM. There will be free food from Panera Bread, as well as free coffee from Starbucks! I hope to see you there. Thanks in advance for your help and cooperation!
Carson Ohlen
Academic Integrity Committee Member, Senate of College Councils