2023 Texas Nurses Association District 5 (TNA5) Scholarship Application TNA5 will provide five (5) pre-licensure nursing students – $1,000 scholarships!! The Scholarship is for TNA District 5 members or students pursuing their nursing education while living or working in the TNA District 5 area for the 2023-2024 academic year. To receive the scholarship funds, the… read more
Student Life
Spring 2023 Hospital Day Volunteers
Interested in seeing a simulation in action? Enjoy contributing to our undergrads learning experiences? Volunteer for this experience! Volunteers Needed for the School of Nursing’s Hospital Day Simulation! When: Two-day interprofessional event – Monday, April 3rd and Tuesday, April 4th. Who: Students from social work, dietary, and SLP collaborating and work alongside… read more
Oncology Nursing Society’s 48th Annual ONS Congress – Attend for free
The Oncology Nursing Society’s (ONS’s) signature conference is coming to the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, TX, next month, and they are inviting prelicensure nursing students to visit the Learning Hall for free. Bring this email to the 48th Annual ONS Congress® registration area on Saturday, April 29, 2023,… read more