Click here to join the Lecture via Zoom About Dr. Rhee: Over the past decade, Hyekyun Rhee has established an internationally recognized program of research developing innovative approaches to asthma self-management using technologies and peer dynamics to improve asthma outcomes in adolescents. Among these approaches include an award-winning wearable device… read more
Student Life
Volunteer Request: Thankview video projects throughout the Spring semester
I’m reaching out to request student volunteers for an ongoing donor engagement project. Volunteers will be asked to record a short, personalized video message to some our biggest supporters via the Thankview platform. Script will be provided and suggested attire is a Nursing branded t-shirt, uniform, or UT branded t-shirt.… read more
COVID-19 VACCINES: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW Featuring Stephanie Hayden, LMSW, & Mark Escott, M.D., MPH Please join us this Thursday for the next virtual town hall for the Travis County medical community, presented by the Travis County Medical Society and Dell Medical School. Public health leaders will discuss preparation… read more