When: November 19th at 12pm (ET) Where: Zoom (Link will be sent separately the day of the event) Please Register at: https://tinyurl.com/NIHSACNAS-NATIVE-AMERICANPanel
Student Life
PCT testing starting 11/09 @HTB
Beginning Monday (11/09) UTHA/UHS will offer PCT testing, Monday – Thursday from 1:00pm to 3:30pm. The Proactive Community Testing will be located in the UTHA WorkLife Clinic on the 1st Floor of HTB (Please enter from the Trinity St. entrance). We encourage all UT staff and students who are able to participate,… read more
TOMORROW – SATURDAY tune in to the UT Austin School of Nursing’s Virtual Alumni and Friends Reunion!
Hello Alumni and Friends! The UT Austin School of Nursing’s Virtual Alumni and Friends Reunion is taking place TOMORROW, Saturday, November 7th, starting at 10:00 am CST! Please review the information below before logging into our virtual reunion. Virtual Reunion Webinar Link Click https://utexas.zoom.us/j/95449102690 to join our webinar at 10am CST this Saturday. Reunion… read more