Tim Cunningham will share a series of stories and interactive experiences as we explore, together, the five aspects of posttraumatic growth. By reflecting on concepts of personal strength, new relationships, a deeper appreciation for life, new possibilities, and spiritual or existential development, the audience will consider ways to recognize and… read more
SON Events
Tonya Coakley, PhD, MSW, Presents: Parent-Son Communication to Promote Healthy Behaviors
Dr. Tanya Coakley is a Professor and Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at The University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing. In 2004, she earned a Ph.D. in Social Work and a Minor in Statistics from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. Her research expertise is in quality foster… read more
Event: GigXR Presentation (10/27/2021)
Please join us tomorrow, Wednesday, October 27th, between 10:00am-2:00pm, we have Joy Jacobs coming to give a presentation on the GigXR. It will be held in room 4.106, drop by at any time during that time frame. Thank you, Kalie Bartholomae Faculty and Student Support Administrative Assistant – LEAP The University… read more