Hello Everyone! We hope you all have a great Fall break! After break, SPS will host our annual safety meeting (for real this time) from 5:30 to 6:30pm in SSB G1.310. The following announcements are also relevant to the week of the 27th, after break.
- SPS now has official membership requirements. Attend two or more meetings or SPS events this academic year in order to be a 2023-24 SPS member. Membership begins by filling out this google form!
- Tuesday at 5:30pm in PMA 15.216B, ASA will host Prof. Steven Finkelstein.
- Thursday at 6:00pm in PMA 15.216B, GMiP will meet as usual.
- Friday at 12:00pm in the Student Union, SPS will host “phlunch” for SPS members to socialize and grab a bite to eat.
- There are no more Pizza Seminars scheduled for this semester.
- The last Physics Colloquium of the semester will be November 29th at 4pm in PMA 4.102, the speaker is still TBA.
Special Announcement
Abstract submissions are open for the APS’s April 2024 meeting: Quarks to Cosmos. Submissions are open until January 5th. Click here to learn more.
- [Old] Learning Assistant Applications are now open! Please refer to Dr. Perry’s announcement on the Physics Undergraduates Canvas course for more details.
- [Old] Summer REU’s are opening up! “Research Experiences for Undergraduates” (REU) are great for gaining research experience, especially if you’re interested in graduate school. They involve doing research under some professor at another school for about 10 weeks of the summer. These are largely targeted at rising juniors and seniors. If you are currently a sophomore or junior, its a great idea to start looking for schools now so you can begin applying over Thanksgiving and Winter Break. REU’s can be confusing, so please be sure to ask questions at meetings or in the discord! Here is the list of REU’s for physics.
- SFI Undergraduate Complexity Research (UCR) program
- This is a 10 week program where “Students can select from a menu of projects, or develop a project in collaboration with their mentor(s).” It’s open to anyone graduating after December 2024, so I highly encourage anyone who’s interested to consider applying. Accepted applicants who are not US citizens will receive assistance with visa sponsorship as applicable!
Meme of the Week