We are a student-led organization here at the University of Texas at Austin, open to anyone with a love of physics. With year-round guest lectures & talks from Professors and others in the industry, to information sessions, socials, and competitions, we aim to foster collaboration and communication within the department and beyond.

We are responsible for several outreach events throughout the year, including Prospective Students Day, Welcome Week at the beginning of the Fall semester, activities at the STEM Girl Day, the Eclipse events in the 2023-2024 academic year, and more!
Feel free to pop in to any of our meetings, every Monday 5:30-6:30 in NHB 1.720, to meet others in Physics :))
No dues are required for membership, and attending a meeting will grant you access to the Discord server! (Or you can join the Discord server through the link under “Contact Us”!!)

We’re always open to new ideas. If you have any changes you’d like to see in the department, activities you might be interested in, or just want to chat about physics, bring them up in a meeting or message us at spsofficers@gmail.com.
If you want to stay updated on current events in SPS, join the newsletter and follow us on Instagram at @texas_sps.
We hope to see you soon!
“If you have bought one of those T-shirts with Maxwell’s equations on the front, you may have to worry about its going out of style, but not about its becoming false. We will go on teaching Maxwellian electrodynamics as long as there are scientists.”
– Steven Weinberg