Week of October 7th, 2023

Hello Everyone! We hope you’re enjoying the more reasonable fall temperatures! This Monday from 5:30 to 6:30pm in SSB G1.310, SPS will host an undergraduate research panel. Our panelists will talk about their experience in each of their areas of interest, so please be sure to come with questions!


  • SPS now has official membership requirements. Attend two or more meetings or SPS events this academic year in order to be a 2023-24 SPS member. Membership begins by filling out this google form!
  • Tuesday at 5:30pm in PMA 15.216B, ASA will meet as usual.
  • Thursday at 6:00pm in PMA 15.216B, GMiP will meet as usual.
  • Friday at 11:30am in the Student Union, SPS will host “phlunch” for SPS members to socialize and grab a bite to eat.
  • The fifth Pizza Seminar of the semester will be October 10rd, presented by Dr. Ray Abma at 5pm in PMA 6.104.
  • The fourth Physics Colloquium of the semester will be October 11th, presented by Prof. Dan Goldman of GA Tech Barbara at 4pm in PMA 4.102
  • Saturday from 10am to 2pm, SPS will participate in the Eclipse Public Viewing Event at the UT Tower. Find the form here to volunteer.

Meme of the Week

Week of October 2nd, 2023

Hello Everyone! Happy spooky month! This Monday from 5:30 to 6:30pm in SSB G1.310, SPS will host Freshman Rep. Elections. Freshman Rep. is an officer position which helps to incorporate the interests of our freshman class, so please be sure to come and cast your vote!


  • SPS now has official membership requirements. Attend two or more meetings or SPS events this academic year in order to be a 2023-24 SPS member. Membership begins by filling out this google form!
  • Freshmen Rep. Candidate information sheets will be found here, after the deadline on 9/29. Please be sure to review them prior to voting.
  • Tuesday at 5:30pm in PMA 15.216B, ASA will meet as usual.
  • Thursday at 6:30pm in PMA 15.216B, GMiP will meet as usual.
  • Friday at 11:30am in the Student Union, SPS will host “phlunch” for SPS members to socialize and grab a bite to eat.
  • The fourth Pizza Seminar of the semester will be October 3rd, presented by Prof. Elaine Xaoquin Li at 5pm in PMA 6.104.
  • The third Physics Colloquium of the semester will be October 4th, presented by Prof. Stephen Wilson of UC Santa Barbara at 4pm in PMA 4.102

Meme of the Week

Week of September 25th, 2023

Hello Everyone! We hope your exams are going well! This Monday from 5:30 to 6:30pm in SSB G1.310, SPS will host Dr. Deepa Thomas, an assistant professor here at UT who works in High Energy heavy-ion physics. We hope you’ll join us to hear from one of our department’s newest professors!


  • SPS now has official membership requirements. Attend two or more meetings or SPS events this academic year in order to be a 2023-24 SPS member. Membership begins by filling out this google form!
  • Tuesday at 5:30pm in PMA 15.216B, ASA will meet as usual.
  • Thursday at 6:30pm in PMA 15.216B, GMiP will meet as usual.
  • Friday at 11:30am in the Student Union, SPS will host “phlunch” for SPS members to socialize and grab a bite to eat.
  • There is no Pizza Seminar scheduled for this week.
  • There is no Physics Colloquium scheduled for this week.

Special Announcement

The Fall 2023 Joint Meeting of TSAPS, TSAAPT and SPS Zone 13 has pushed back its abstract deadline to Monday 9/25.

Meme of the Week

Week of September 18th, 2023

Hello Everyone! We’re wishing you all good luck as midterm season starts up! This Monday from 5:30 to 6:30pm in SSB G1.310, join us for a social to hang-out and decompress to start off this hectic season.


  • SPS now has official membership requirements. Attend two or more meetings or SPS events this academic year in order to be a 2023-24 SPS member. Membership begins by filling out this google form!
  • Tuesday at 5:30pm in PMA 15.216B, ASA will meet as usual.
  • Thursday at 6:30pm in PMA 15.216B, GMiP will meet as usual.
  • Friday at 11:30am in the Student Union, SPS will host “phlunch” for SPS members to socialize and grab a bite to eat.
  • The third Pizza Seminar of the semester will be September 12, presented by Prof Karol Lang at 5pm in PMA 6.104.
  • There is no Physics Colloquium scheduled for this week.

Special Announcement

The Fall 2023 Joint Meeting of TSAPS, TSAAPT and SPS Zone 13 has pushed back its abstract deadline to Monday 9/18.

The Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) is for undergraduate students (and recent postbaccs) in a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) field or science policy to help make a difference in the world. Getting SULI internships is one of the ways to learn about career opportunities (e.g. post baccs, postmasters, postdocs, or staff scientists) at one of 17 DOE national laboratories.

At the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, a SULI will be mentored by a leading science expert in a specific research area to gain maximum exposure to one of the many science and technology areas that underpin the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) diverse missions. This is an opportunity to enhance student’s professional network and develop interests in a state-of-the-art research facility.

Applications (for the Spring Cycle, one of the three cycles per year) are now open! Submit your application before October 4, 2023 at 5:00 PM ET.

If prospective applicants have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Margaret Cheung at margaret.cheung@pnnl.gov.
Applications are due October 4, 2023 at 5:00 PM ET.

Meme of the Week

Week of September 11th, 2023

Hello Everyone! We hope you’ve all enjoyed your first few weeks of classes! This Monday from 5:30 to 6:30pm in SSB G1.310, SPS will host Dr. Sitz’s annual undergraduate physics research meeting. This is a fantastic chance to hear about what sorts of opportunities are available to you here in the UT Physics Department!


  • SPS now has official membership requirements. Attend two or more meetings or SPS events this academic year in order to be a 2023-24 SPS member. Membership begins by filling out this google form!
  • If you’re interested in getting more involved with SPS and GMiP, please check out this form for our new committee system. It is currently due September 9, so please be sure to fill it out as soon as possible!
  • Tuesday at TBA in PMA 15.216B, ASA will meet as usual.
  • Thursday at 6:30pm in PMA 15.216B, GMiP will meet as usual.
  • Friday at 11:30am in the Student Union, SPS will host “phlunch” for SPS members to socialize and grab a bite to eat.
  • The second Pizza Seminar of the semester will be September 12, presented by Prof Jose R. Alvarado at 5pm in PMA 6.104.
  • There is no Physics Colloquium scheduled for this week.

Special Announcement

Special message from your American Physical Society (APS) Student Ambassador:


  1. APS March Meeting is now accepting abstracts! (DUE OCTOBER 20) March meeting is a VERY IMPORTANT scientific research conference that brings together more than 13,000 physicists from around the world to showcase their work, connect with others, and discover groundbreaking physics research. Undergraduates are invited to present their research, which you can and should talk to your advisor about doing! You first need to submit an abstract and a title (but know that it is okay, common, and likely that your work will change by the time March comes and that’s completely acceptable!). Ask your PI about travel support and/or participate virtually. Learn more at the link above.
  2. The Fall 2023 Joint Meeting of TSAPS, TSAAPT and SPS Zone 13 is accepting abstracts! (DUE WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 12)                This meeting, taking place NEXT MONTH, OCTOBER 12-14) is smaller than the March Meeting, taking place at Angelo State University (3.5 hours drive from UT), and poses an excellent opportunity for undergraduates to present their work, network, and this year participate in a viewing party of the upcoming eclipse! The organizing committee is offering travel funding to some applicants, so apply soon! I will be there as an APS ambassador! Hope to see you too. :)  
  3. Applications are now being accepted for the APS Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP) 2024! (DUE OCTOBER 23) CUWiP, taking place JANUARY 19-21, 2024, is held at many places across the US to serve and unite women and gender minorities in physics (although men are welcome as well!). This conference is targeted primarily towards undergraduates, offering professional development seminars, graduate school and career information, and a chance to connect and network with other women in the field (and of course, a poster conference for presenting research)!

Although these deadlines are approaching very rapidly- especially that of TSAPS/TSAAPT/SPS, I highly encourage everyone to seriously consider attending! Conference presentations are a FANTASTIC addition to your resume and serve as useful experience in scientific communication. These conferences also offer critical opportunities to network with professional physicists, broaden your awareness of physics research across the country, and develop as a physicist professionally and personally.

As always, feel free to reach out to me at hailey.currie@utexas.edu with any questions or concerns about the conferences or APS in general – or just to let me know you’re signing up to attend!

Hailey Currie

Meme of the Week

Week of September 4th, 2023

Hello Everyone! We hope you all have a restful Labor Day after these busy first weeks! Due to the holiday, there will not be an SPS meeting this week. Please join us the following week on September 11th from 5:30-6:30pm in SSB G1.310.


  • SPS now has official membership requirements. Attend two or more meetings or SPS events this academic year in order to be a 2023-24 SPS member. Membership begins by filling out this google form!
  • Physnic is here! The UT Physics community is invited to the Fall 2023 Physnic at Eastwoods Park on Friday, September 8 from 4-7pm. Check your email to RSVP.
  • Tuesday at 7:00pm in the Student Union Cinema, ASA is going to the movies with an early screening of “A Million Miles Away,” RSVP details can be found on their discord.
  • Thursday at 6:30pm in PMA 15.216B, GMiP will meet as usual.
  • Friday at 11:30am in the Student Union, SPS will host “phlunch” for SPS members to socialize and grab a bite to eat.
  • There is no Pizza Seminar scheduled for this week.
  • The second Physics Colloquium of the semester will be September 6, presented by Prof. S. Alexander of Brown University at 4pm in PMA 4.102.

Meme of the Week

Week of August 28th, 2023

Hello Everyone! We hope you’re enjoying the start of the semester! This Monday from 5:30 to 6:30pm in SSB G1.310, SPS will host our introduction meeting and social with pizza! Please note that SPS has officially changed its standard meeting time to 5:30-6:30pm.


  • SPS now has official membership requirements. Attend two or more meetings or SPS events this academic year in order to be a 2023-24 SPS member. Membership begins by filling out this google form!
  • Tuesday at 6:30 in PMA 15.216B, ASA will have their first meeting of the semester.
  • Thursday at 6:30 in PMA 15.216B, GMiP will have their first meeting of the semester.
  • Friday at 11:30 in the Texas Union, SPS will have our first weekly “phlunch”
  • Applications to the Directed Reading Program (DRP) in Physics are open until September 3rd.
  • There is no Pizza Seminar scheduled for this week.
  • There is no Physics Colloquium scheduled for this week.

Meme of the Week

Welcome Back!

Get your school supplies ready and fish up last semester’s physics from the back of your brain, because the school year is fast approaching!

SPS will be having an informal meeting this Monday, August 21st in SSB G1.310. We won’t be covering anything important and the following meeting in the PMA will be for official introductions, but feel free to come if you feel like catching up before the semester rush starts!

Welcome Week

As in the past, SPS will be cohosting a Welcome Week for new students alongside ASA and GMiP. This is a great chance to meet your peers and make connections outside of classes, as well as learn about important resources on campus!

The schedule:

  • Wednesday 8/23:
    • Tea Time Social
    • 4:00-5:30pm in MBB 1.210
  • Friday 8/25:
    • Pictionary Social
    • 4:00-5:30pm in MBB 1.210
  • Saturday 8/26:
    • What I Wish I Knew
    • 4:00-5:30pm in MBB 1.210
  • Sunday 8/27:
    • Professor Lunch
    • 2:00-3:30pm in WCP 2.410

Have a great start to the school year, and we hope to see you soon!