All the Firsts, but (fingers crossed) not the Lasts


I tried to quantify this trip:
• 28 days
• 2 countries
• 16 students
• 1 professor
• 1 earthquake
• 10+ excursions
• Countless smiles

And yet, this doesn’t even come close to capturing what this trip truly encompassed. It was memorable to say the least. Most of the 28 days were spent in Antigua, a picturesque and vibrant city. The cobblestone streets, although deadly when wet, only perpetuated the charm of the brightly colored buildings. Every turn of the corner was greeted by a warm “Buenos dias!” or “Buenas noches!” or even a simple smile. Life moves at a slower rate with people taking time to sit in el Parque Central and soak up the sun and the day. Such little things that made a world of difference.


Apart from these details I can’t even imagine what this experience would’ve been like without all the people I got to know better on this trip. Would anyone else laugh as much as Rylie and Rebecca did come 6 AM every day when, shocking, the bread was YET AGAIN ready? Would any other group of people agree to “vote people off the island” in a friendly-yet-incredibly-competitive game of Survivor (Guatemala Edition)? So with that I would like to send a virtual thank you to everyone who came on this trip and contributed to this incredible experience. Thank you Ali, Armando, Cheyenne, Felicia, Gabe, Gaby, Hayley, JJ, Kelly, Lauren, Quinn, Rebecca, Rylie, Sofia, and Vero—wouldn’t have wanted to do this with anyone else


On a side note: When was the last time you did/experienced for the first time? Before this trip I honestly couldn’t remember. Here came Guatemala and Belize to end that streak. Things were definitely new, for the first time I—saw/climbed a volcano, witnessed one erupting, experienced an earthquake, saw a tapir, swam with a manatee, participated in a Maya ceremony and climbed temples at various Maya archaeological sites. Not to brag, but I think that’s a pretty impressive list for the 28 days!!


I cannot speak for everyone on this trip, however, every experience felt truly unique. I felt lucky to have participated, because while Europe (and other places) is charming in its own right I don’t think I could have ever found and experienced many of the activities I did on this trip if I were to have gone to Guatemala by myself.


Let me just say, if you’re considering study abroad, DO IT. You will not regret it, the things I was able to learn on this trip while immersing myself in the culture and ambiance of Guatemala have been unforgettable.

Author: Andrea Estrada

Hey there! My name is Andrea Estrada, I’m an upcoming junior. I am studying International Relations with a focus on Culture, Media, in the Arts specifically throughout Latin America. I am so excited to be here in Antigua, Guatemala and go out on excursions to see how contemporary Maya today interact with modern society while still incorporating aspects of their traditional beliefs in their everyday life. Also as a self-described adventurer, I’m pretty stoked about trying the local cuisine and immersing myself into the spirit of the city to get the full Guatemalan experience (and Belize for the last week)!

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