We are excited to share the New RO1 that Jared Benge was awarded. The project focusses on Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia. Difficulties with prospective memory, such as remembering to take medications, represent a signature decline in mild dementia, worsen quality of life and independence, and add burden to care… read more
UT Researchers Analyze Internet Usage Of Older Adults During Pandemic
Researchers from UT, Baylor University and the University of Missouri identified increased use of internet-enabled behaviors in older adults during the pandemic, according to a study published in Work, Aging and Retirement on Aug. 6. An internet-enabled behavior, or IEB, is an activity made possible by the internet, such as… read more
New Publication: Brief Report: An Evaluation of Item Bias on the Functional Activities Questionnaire
González DA, Clark MJ, Gonzales MM, Benge J. Brief Report: An Evaluation of Item Bias on the Functional Activities Questionnaire. Arch Clin Neuropsychol. 2022 Sep 3:acac071. For complete list of publications go to our Publications page!