Meet the cast of The Tasters, Meghan Brown’s darkly funny, sharp new play coming to the B. Iden Payne Theatre this November. With government leaders getting poisoned left and right, the Tasters in Brown’s dystopian world have an important job — eating delicious, gourmet meals and then waiting to see if they die. When one rebellious Taster goes on hunger strike, the reverberation of her choice threatens to disrupt the order of their world and change the course of history. Equal parts Hunger Games, The Handmaid’s Tale and Food Network, this play explores the nuances of political resistance, self-interest and individual action taken to create hope in the face of hopelessness.
The Tasters‘ five-person cast features the acting talents of Department of Theatre and Dance students Vivian Gonzalez (Bianca), Avery Brooks (Lt. Sawyer), Chloe Whitehead (Corrine), Mahagany Adair (Elyse) and Dominic Gross (The General), whose interactions on stage introduce the audience to the corrupt and revolutionary society in Brown’s play.
Helping build the world of The Tasters is an outstanding production team, including Cal Blackstock (Stage Manager), Lina Breining (Composer), Ron Collins (Lighting Designer), Zoey Crow (Scenic and Projection Designer), Andy Grapko (Intimacy Director), Harri Horsley (Costume Designer), Jason Lee Huerta (Technical Director), Jeffrey Levin (Sound Designer and Co-Composer), Tobie Minor (Violence Consultant), R.J. Munguia (Dramaturg), Kristen Osborn (Director) and Yusef Dixon (Assistant Director).
The Tasters
November 4-14, 2021
B. Iden Payne Theatre