In the dystopian society of The Tasters, Tasters eat three square meals a day of delicious, gourmet foods, while a hunger crisis wreaks havoc on the world outside their doors. The catch? The food they’re eating could contain a fast-acting poison, which they are employed to detect before the meals are sent to the “Great Leaders” – the ruthless rulers of their society. To playwright Meghan Brown, The Tasters was an exploration of the dangers of complicity. What does it mean that those who protect the order of things are rewarded with delicious food amidst hunger? What power does one individual have against these systems? How do these characters relate to our world today?
Brown recently sat down with director Kristen Osborn and dramaturg R.J. Munguia to address these questions, giving us a window into the creation of her play and a hint at some of the decadent foods we can expect to see on stage. Watch the full interview below.
The Tasters
November 4-14, 2021
B. Iden Payne Theatre