April 24, 2009

Added several articles:

by Dimitri Nakassis
[PDF]”Named individuals and the Mycenaean state at Pylos,” Colloquium Romanum: Atti del XII colloquio internazionale di micenologia. Rome 2008, pp. 549-561.

by Stephie Nikoloudis
[PDF]”The role of the ra-wa-ke-ta. Insights from PY Un 718,” Colloquium Romanum: Atti del XII colloquio internazionale di micenologia. Rome 2008, pp. 587-594.

by Tom Palaima:
[PDF]”A new Linear B inscription from the land down under: AUS HO(ME) Bo 2008,” in F. Louise A. Hitchcock, Robert Laffineur and Janice Crowley eds., DAIS. The Aegean Feast (Aegaeum 29), Liège and Austin 2008, pp. 429-432.
[PDF]”The significance of Myceneaean words relating to meals, meal rituals, and food,” in Louise A. Hitchcock, Robert Laffineur and Janice Crowley eds., DAIS. The Aegean Feast (Aegaeum 29), Liège and Austin 2008, pp. 383-389.