Added Palaima editorials:
“The missing entries from ‘A Gaza Diary'”(from Sept. 25, 2003)
“Our wounds, our duty” (with Stephen Sonnenberg)
Added Palaima editorials:
“The missing entries from ‘A Gaza Diary'”(from Sept. 25, 2003)
“Our wounds, our duty” (with Stephen Sonnenberg)
Added Palaima editorials:
responses to Halpern-Eliot-Bigler et al. study and their reply.
Palaima description of a bad book: Victor Davis Hanson and John Heath, Who Killed Homer? The Demise of Classical Education and the Recovery of Greek Wisdom (2001).
“The wonder of our own handwriting”.
“Shootings in Afghanistan have roots in our history”.
Added Palaima reviews:
The Poetry of Thought: From Hellenism to Celan
[PDF]Everyday Writing in the Graeco-Roman East
By Palaima:
[PDF (and bibliography)]”Euboea, Athens, Thebes and Kadmos: The Implications of the Linear B References,” in D. W. Rupp, J. E. Tomlinson et al. (eds.) Euboea and Athens: Proceedings of a Colloquium in Memory of Malcolm B. Wallace. Athens, 26-27 June 2009. Publications of the Canadian Institute in Greece, No. 6 2011, pp. 53-76
Our good friend and friend of PASP, Nikos Samartzidis will be displaying his Linear-B based artwork in the exhibition in the Mainzer Rathaus: Die Linear B-Schrift und die Perlen der Aegaeis13 October to 17 November 2011.
Here is the brochure for the exhibition.
Mr. Samartzidis’ artwork graces the rooms of PASP, providing delight, cause for contemplation, inspiration, and a link between past and present creative expression.
For more on his artwork, see:
Added several articles:
By Nakassis:
[PDF]Review of A Companion to Linear B. Mycenaean Greek Texts and their World. Volume 1.
[PDF]Review of The Talking Greeks: Speech, Animals, and the Other in Homer, Aeschylus, and Plato.
[PDF]”Athens, Kylon, and the Dipolieia,” in Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 51 (2011) pp. 527-536.
By Palaima:
[PDF]”Scribes, Scribal Hands and Palaeography,” in Y. Duhoux and A. Morpurgo Davies, eds., A Companion to Linear B. Mycenaean Greek Texts and their World. Volume 2, pp. 33-136.
By Petrakis:
[PDF]”Localising Pylian Religion: Thoughts on the geographic References in the Fr Tablets Provoked by a New Quasi-Join,” Pasiphae 4 (2010) 199-215.
[PDF]”Politics of the sea in the Late Bronze Age II-III Aegean: iconographic preferences and textual perspectives,” in G. Vavouranakis ed., The seascape in Aegean prehistory (Monographs of the Danish Institute in Athens 14: 2011) 185-234
[PDF]”E-ke-ra2-wo ≠ wa-na-ka: The Implications of a Probable Non-Identification for Pylian Feasting and Politics.” Dais: The Aegean Feast. Aegaeum 29 (2008) 391-399
[PDF]”to-no-e-ke-te-ri-jo Reconsidered,” Minos 37-38 (2002-2003 [2006]) 293-316 and 372. (English and Spanish abstracts, p. 488)
Added a piece about Palaima in his involvement with the UT athletics program.
Added Palaima reviews:
The Last Pagans of Rome
Invisible Romans: Prostitutes, Outlaws, Slaves, Gladiators, Ordinary Men and Women…The Romans That History Forgot
Added Palaima editorials:
“The ‘me-firstism’ of UT athletics”.
“History gives us guidance in dealing with national tragedy”.
“”Home, where they take you in, no matter your challenges””.
“We, the people, are losing civility, understanding”.
“Pair hope 31,000 images will help spur social change”.
Brief Palaima review of Steve Earle’s I’ll Never Get Out of This World Alive:
Tom Palaima, professor of Classics at the University of Texas at Austin, has been reading Steve Earle’s I’ll Never Get Out of This World Alive (Harvill Secker, 2011). “No one does. So we are lucky to have storytellers like singer/songwriter Steve Earle lay bare the truths of this world. Here he takes us to live in the bargain-basement prostitution and drug zone of San Antonio, Texas in 1963 with a morphine-addicted old doctor, the ghost of Hank Williams and a young Mexican girl discovering her powers as a curandera.”
Added Palaima review:
The Lure of the Arena: Social Psychology and the Crowd at the Roman Games
As Tom Palaima steps down as UT Austin representative on the Coalition on Intercollegiate Athletics, he invites anyone interested in these matters to read his candid and through reports of the last three years:
UT representative on the national Coalition on Intercollegiate Athletics (COIA) 2008- 2011 annual reports:
Link to Palaima comment on review of Joseph S. Nye, The Future of Power, Perseus Books ISBN 9781586488918, Published 24 February 2011:
Added Palaima editorials:
“The NCAA and the Athletes It Fails”.
“Universities’ spending on sports undermines their mission: education”.
UPDATED: Palaima editorial with selected reader responses:
“Regents in Texas push ideas that do lasting damage to higher education”.
Added Palaima editorial:
“Regents in Texas push ideas that do lasting damage to higher education”.
Added a report on the 2011 visit by Vassilis Petrakis.