Added Palaima Review of Unquenchable
Category Archives: Archived News
January 28, 2010
Added a report on the visit by Ruth Palmer.
Added a report on the visit by Dimitri Nakassis.
Added Palaima editorials:
“Going by the book”
“Surround children with beauty and goodness”
“UT’s Byzantine Budget: On $5 million coaches and laid-off lecturers”
Added PDF of Palaima article:
“Continuity from the Mycenaean Period in an Historical Boeotian Cult of Poseidon (and Erinys),” in the Festschrift for Spyros Iakovidis.
Added Palaima Review of Out of Athens: The New Ancient Greeks
Watch Palaima and Lino Graglia debate college football
The transcript of their exchange can be found here.
Also Watch Palaima and Stephen Sonnenberg debate the cultural evolution of war.