Added Palaima Review of Freedom Is Not Enough: The War on Poverty and the Civil Rights Movement in Texas (also available as a pdf)
TODO Austin is a free-distribution, full-color, monthly newspaper that focuses on Austin’s multicultural community. The August issue is in distribution today.
The articles in this issue, which features a beautiful full color photo of Dylan on its cover, are:
- Gavin Lance Garcia (editor and publisher), “Living in the Age of Bob Dylan” p. 8
- Richard Thomas (Harvard University Classics), “Into Exile With Bob Dylan: Rome to the Black Sea” p. 8
- Kurt Heinzelman (UT Austin English), “Dylan’s Turkish Delights” p. 9
- Tom Palaima (UT Austin Classics), “A Classical Bard Brings It All Back Home” pp. 9-10
For your convenience I attach a pdfthat excerpts the pages of writing about Dylan and his music.
The entire issue and back issues can be easily found on the TODO web site.
Added Palaima editorials:
“Capitalizing on socialism’s bad name”
“Juneteenth is a reminder of a reality that is still overdue”
“No profiles in courage when it comes to university presidents”
Here you can access a collection of war songs at:
Lyrics for many of these songs with some comments are attached in pdf and .doc versions.
This mp3 has twenty songs of war that I use in my Myths of War and Violence Plan II seminar:
- Steve Earle “Rich Man’s War” (Iraq, Afghanistan);
- Richie Havens, “Handsome Johnny” (historical sweep from Revolutionary War to civil rights movement);
- Richie Havens, “The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down (Civil War);
- Bob Dylan, “John Brown” (unspecified);
- Blind Willie Johnson, “When the War Was On” (WW I);
- Woody Guthrie, “Sinking of the Reuben James” (WW II);
- Perry Como, “Dig You Later (A Hubba-Hubba-Hubba) (WW II);
- Townes van Zandt, “Ballad of Ira Hayes” (WW II);
- Sunnyland Slim, “Back to Korea Bluees” (Korean War);
- Bob Dylan & Mark Knopfler, “Clean Cut Kid” studio session (Vietnam War);
- Bob Dylan, “Masters of War” Gerdes Feb. 1963 (Cold War period, unspecified);
- Bob Dylan, “Masters of War” Berlin 2002 (unspecified);
- J.B. Lenoir, “Veitnam (sic) Blues) (Vietnam War);
- Creedence Clearwater Revival, “Fortunate Son” (Vietnam War period);
- Todd Snider, “Fortunate Son”;
- Johnny Cash, “Drive On” (Vietnam War veterans);
- Willie Nelson, “Jimmy’s Road” (Vietnam War);
- Bruce Springsteen, “Devils and Dust” (Iraq and Afghanistan);
- Emily Kaitz, “It’s Not Enough to Give Our Love” (general);
- Bruce Springsteen, “Born in the USA” (Vietnam veterans).
And here are readings of war poems from Aeschylus to the present (texts in attached pdf):
Readings of War Poems:
(1) passage from Aeschylus’ “Agamemnon” (5th c. BCE);
(2) Yehuda Amichai, “The Diameter of the Bomb” (Israel);
(3) Walt Whitman, “I Saw the Vision of Armies” (Civil War);
(4) Ernest Hemingway, “A Farewell to Arms” (WW I);
(5) Wilfred Owen, “Dulce Et Decorum Est” (WW I);
(6) e.e. cummings, “my sweet old etcetera” (WW I);
(7-8) Robert Graves, “I Hate the Moon” (WW I), “A Dead Boche” (WW I);
(9-12) Siegfried Sassoon, “The Kiss”‘ (WW I), “The Hero” (WW I), “Enemies” (WW I), “The Tombstone Maker” (WW I);
(13) Randall Jarrell, “The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner” (WW II);
(14) Denise Levertov, “What Were They Like?” (Vietnam War);
(15) Allen Ginsberg, “A Vow” (Vietnam War 1966);
(17) Yusef Komunyakaa,”Facing It” (Vietnam War veteran 1988)