Report on Visit – Dimitri Nakassis

(Original posted in 2010. -Ed.)

My short visit to UT and PASP gave me the opportunity to present aspects of my dissertation research and new ideas stemming from it. I gave a talk to the department on Thursday November 12th about the extent to which the model of the activities of Pylian elites based on the Linear B evidence, which I developed in my dissertation, can shed light on thorny problems in the analysis of Mycenaean archaeology. On Friday, I lectured to Tom Palaima’s undergraduate class on Aegean Prehistory (AHC 378) about the composition of Mycenaean society and the extent to which older managerial models should be modified in light of the prosopographical analysis from my dissertation.

My visit also allowed me to meet with faculty and students from UT and at other institutions. I met with Tom Palaima and Cynthia Shelmerdine to discuss a variety of topics, including of course things Mycenaean. I also discussed the Archaic symposium with Adam Rabinowitz, and Cypriot archaeology with former fellow PASPian and colleague at Trinity Unviersity in San Antonio, Nicolle Hirschfeld. I had the chance to talk to several graduate students at UT Classics, including Dygo Tosa, Mary Jane Cuyler and Alissa Stoimenoff, and Jamie Aprile from UCLA, and the undergraduates from Tom’s Aegean Prehistory class.

On Friday night I attended a fascinating lecture with Tom and recent UT Classics Ph.D. John Friend on “Dionysus in 69 in ’09: Looking Back, Looking Forward” (by Richard Schechner), which taught me a lot about modern theatre and the adaptation of Greek drama.

Otherwise, the weather in Austin was fantastic, and I managed to eat Texas barbecue at two of my favorite places, Rudy’s on 183 North and The Salt Lick in Driftwood.

April 24, 2009

Added several articles:

by Dimitri Nakassis
[PDF]”Named individuals and the Mycenaean state at Pylos,” Colloquium Romanum: Atti del XII colloquio internazionale di micenologia. Rome 2008, pp. 549-561.

by Stephie Nikoloudis
[PDF]”The role of the ra-wa-ke-ta. Insights from PY Un 718,” Colloquium Romanum: Atti del XII colloquio internazionale di micenologia. Rome 2008, pp. 587-594.

by Tom Palaima:
[PDF]”A new Linear B inscription from the land down under: AUS HO(ME) Bo 2008,” in F. Louise A. Hitchcock, Robert Laffineur and Janice Crowley eds., DAIS. The Aegean Feast (Aegaeum 29), Liège and Austin 2008, pp. 429-432.
[PDF]”The significance of Myceneaean words relating to meals, meal rituals, and food,” in Louise A. Hitchcock, Robert Laffineur and Janice Crowley eds., DAIS. The Aegean Feast (Aegaeum 29), Liège and Austin 2008, pp. 383-389.

October 9, 2011

Our good friend and friend of PASP, Nikos Samartzidis will be displaying his Linear-B based artwork in the exhibition in the Mainzer Rathaus: Die Linear B-Schrift und die Perlen der Aegaeis13 October to 17 November 2011.

Here is the brochure for the exhibition.

Mr. Samartzidis’ artwork graces the rooms of PASP, providing delight, cause for contemplation, inspiration, and a link between past and present creative expression.

For more on his artwork, see:


Added several articles:

By Nakassis:
[PDF]Review of A Companion to Linear B. Mycenaean Greek Texts and their World. Volume 1.
[PDF]Review of The Talking Greeks: Speech, Animals, and the Other in Homer, Aeschylus, and Plato.
[PDF]”Athens, Kylon, and the Dipolieia,” in Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 51 (2011) pp. 527-536.

By Palaima:
[PDF]”Scribes, Scribal Hands and Palaeography,” in Y. Duhoux and A. Morpurgo Davies, eds., A Companion to Linear B. Mycenaean Greek Texts and their World. Volume 2, pp. 33-136.

By Petrakis:
[PDF]”Localising Pylian Religion: Thoughts on the geographic References in the Fr Tablets Provoked by a New Quasi-Join,” Pasiphae 4 (2010) 199-215.
[PDF]”Politics of the sea in the Late Bronze Age II-III Aegean: iconographic preferences and textual perspectives,” in G. Vavouranakis ed., The seascape in Aegean prehistory (Monographs of the Danish Institute in Athens 14: 2011) 185-234
[PDF]”E-ke-ra2-wo ≠ wa-na-ka: The Implications of a Probable Non-Identification for Pylian Feasting and Politics.” Dais: The Aegean Feast. Aegaeum 29 (2008) 391-399
[PDF]”to-no-e-ke-te-ri-jo Reconsidered,” Minos 37-38 (2002-2003 [2006]) 293-316 and 372. (English and Spanish abstracts, p. 488)