Capstone Project
Evelyn Allsup
Measuring the star formation rates of galaxies in the range z~1-3.5. Evelyn is using Ha and Hb flux values for sources in HST and MOSDEF surveys, and hunting for a corresponding Pa value in CEERS. Evelyn uses Pa to calculate a star formation rate for sources with a measurement, will recalibrate
Ha and Hb SFR relation constants using these new SFRs, and for sources that don’t have Pa but have Ha and Hb will dust correct and calculate a SFR from H-alpha. Right now she is working on obtaining Flux values for Pa in the CEERS data.
Capstone Project
Emma Tyler
Measuring the star formation rates of galaxies in the range z~1-3.5. Evelyn is using Ha and Hb flux values for sources in HST and MOSDEF surveys, and hunting for a corresponding Pa value in CEERS. Evelyn uses Pa to calculate a star formation rate for sources with a measurement, will recalibrate
Ha and Hb SFR relation constants using these new SFRs, and for sources that don’t have Pa but have Ha and Hb will dust correct and calculate a SFR from H-alpha. Right now she is working on obtaining Flux values for Pa in the CEERS data.
Capstone Project
Marissa Perry
Marrisa’s project involves measuring bursty star formation (SF) using hydrogen recombination lines (L_Hα), UV emission (L_UV), and stellar masses with NIRSpec medium grating spectra from JWST CEERS. For her sample, she’ll be analyzing instantaneous SFR (ΔL_Hα) and the luminosity ratio (L_Hα/L_UV).
Capstone Project
Sarah Darbar
The origin of supermassive black holes at high redshift is poorly understood, with potential seed masses ranging from stellar seeds (~1-100 M☉) to large direct collapse seeds (~104-6M☉). Directly measuring the range of black hole masses at early epochs can begin to constrain these seeding models, so Sarah’s research works on measuring the time evolution of black hole
masses across previously unexplored higher redshift ranges using JWST. This is accomplished by initially selecting candidate sources from image fields using the SourceXtractor++ program, probing spectra for broadline emission features, and then estimating mass through scaling relations of broadline FWHM.
Capstone Project
Urvi Thakurdesai
To understand the effect the AGN mass has on the amount of ionization impacting the galaxy, Urvi aims to correlate the mass of the BHs to the excess flux found in the emission line maps of the AGN. Urvi will use slitless spectroscopy from NIRISS JWST imaging from an NGDEEP dataset, derived from GRIZLI on an AGN sample identified in the legacy deep field, to calculate the mass of the BHs and the spatial
properties of the emission line ratios maps. The expectation is to see an increase in the excess as the mass of the black hole size. Comparing the mass and these spatial profiles of emission line maps, we can understand the impact of the AGNs on the ionized gas near the host galaxy and the effect on the galaxy itself. This can also lead us to make conclusions about the co-evolution of the host galaxy with its SMBHs.
Capstone Project
Arnav Shah
Arnav is comparing the H_alpha emissions with the semi-minor/semi-major axis ratios in order to gain an
understanding of the viewing angle to confirm the estimates of the shape.
Capstone Project
Isaiah Pipkin
Isaiah is conducting a statistical comparison between JWST
and HST by the identification of SF-regions of nearby galaxies
Capstone Project
Sam Goldberg
Sam is working on identifying [OII] outflows in the z<0.5
region of HETDEX and relationship with SFRs.
Galaxy Evolution VIP
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