Daily Archives: January 14, 2013

Pinto Carver Essay Contest Deadline EXTENDED to Tuesday, January 22 5:00 pm

Pinto Carver Essay Contest Open to All LAHers! Deadline Extended to Tuesday, January, 22 5:00 pm

Be a part of Campaign LAH

The Pinto Carver Essay Contest – 2013

 Style, in its finest sense, is the last acquirement

of the educated mind; it is also the most useful.

It pervades the whole being.  The administrator

with a sense of style hates waste; the engineer

with a sense for style economizes his material;

the artisan with a sense for style prefers good

work.  Style is the ultimate morality of mind.

-Alfred North Whitehead

The Topic:

Campaign LAH:  The Pursuit of Excellence is seeking to raise 1.5 million dollars to help fund scholarships and research, internship, and study aboard opportunities for Liberal Arts Honors students.  Many donors want to know what LAH is and what is its “brand.”  Write an essay in which you describe what you believe LAH to be and also, in six to ten words craft a “brand.”  The University’s “What Starts Here Changes the World” is one such successful brand, “Don’t Mess With Texas” another.  Needless to say, the more well developed your thoughts, the more specific your language, the better.  And for this Campaign to succeed, we need your best thoughts.

Eligibility:  Current Liberal Arts Honors students

Specifications: 750-1000 words, titled, double-spaced, and typed, with your name in the upper-right hand corner.  No cover page.


1st Prize: $1500

2nd Prize: $500

3rd Prize: $250

Submission Deadline:  Tuesday, January 22, 5:00 p.m. in the NEW Liberal Arts Honors Office (CLA 2.500)  The judges reserve the right to withhold awards in the absence of prize worthy essays.

Ransom Reading Group Sign up on Google Doc! & Get your book in the LAH office

Please sign up on the Google Doc (even if you signed up in  the LAH office ) This way the professors will have an easy way to email you and we have an easy way to keep track of those of you who signed up.

Here’s a link to the Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/a/utexas.edu/document/d/1Ra90PsiHQosO6noOdRKyI2xCREyPpSvNRzqIk0G5sKw/edit

Also, the books are in the LAH office, so pick up your free book once you sign up for a RRG.


Foot in the Door Auditions Wednesday, Jan. 16 & 17th William Shakespeare’s Pericles, Prince of Tyre

This semester Foot in the Door will be putting on William Shakespeare’s PERICLES, PRINCE OF TYRE, directed by LAH freshmen Imogen Sealy and Kenneth Williams. Pericles is one of Shakespeare’s lesser known plays, but it is chock-full of fun — pirates, redemption, incest, jealousy, tearful reunions, whores, long beards, shipwrecks, mistaken identities, aaaaand PANTOMIME.

Don’t be put off if you’re not confident with Shakespearean language; there will be plenty of time to become more comfortable with the text along the way. There are also a lot of tech opportunities (costumes/set/music/etc.), and since this is our only show for the semester, we will be able to throw all of our money and time and creativity into making this show really awesome. SO! If you are at all interested in being a part of what I am confident will be a really fun show, please come to auditions!

When: JANUARY 16 & 17, 7:30
Where: WEL 1.308

If you have any questions, feel free to contact producers Kelsi Tyler or Stephanie Donowho, or either of the directors.