Daily Archives: February 10, 2014

Dean Performing Arts Series Ticket Lottery Applications Available

Applications for the ticket lottery for Broadway Across America’s Wicked will be accepted until February 19th at 5 pm in the University Honors Center (CRD 23).

Broadway Across America presents: Wicked

Bass Concert Hall at the Texas Performing Arts Center | Wednesday, February 26, 2014

6:15 PM Pre-performance seminar

8:00 PM Performance

Think you know everything about The Wizard of Oz? Think again. Wicked retells the story of the Wicked Witch of the West, including her unlikely friendship with Glinda the Good, and the events that shape who they become. Come with us as we follow classic characters and discover what truly lies in the depths of evil and the heart of good.

Our evening will begin with a special pre-performance talk from award-winning theatrical director and director of University Events, Rod Caspers. After the discussion, we will go together to the performance that starts at 8 pm.

Tickets for this event are normally $54 – $78, but through the sponsorship of The University Honors Center and The L.L. and Ethel E. Dean Endowment your cost is only $10.

To apply for the ticket lottery, please submit your application no later than Wednesday, February 19th at 5pm in person to The University Honors Center (north entrance of Carothers). Applications will be drawn at random on Thursday, February 20th. If your application is chosen, you will be notified by email, and you will need to return to The University Honors Center no later than Friday, February 21st before 5pm to pay your program fee by check or money order.

If you have any questions please call the UHC at (512) 471-6524. Applications and more information are available online and at The University Honors Center.


Latin American Studies Travel Grants

The Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies is now offering a number of travel scholarships for study abroad in Latin America, both for summer 2014 and for academic year 2014-2015.  For summer 2014, we are offering four $2,500 travel scholarships.  Students must attend degree-granting institutions in Latin America this coming summer and return with at least six hours of college credit.  For academic year 2014-2015, we will award six $5,000 travel scholarships for semester-long study abroad.  Awardees must attend degree-granting institutions in Latin America and return with at least 12 hours of college credit.

Applications and letters of recommendation are due on March 6, 2014, without exception.  Please follow the link to the scholarship portal:


Public Talk: Lincoln Chafee, 74th Governor of Rhode Island,

The LBJ School is pleased to present Lincoln Chafee, 74th Governor of Rhode Island, on Feb. 11 for a public talk titled “Civility for a Great Society” at 5:30 PM at the LBJ School. The Governor’s remarks will focus on lessons learned from the Johnson administration that can help get things done today. This is one of 50 events to be hosted by the LBJ School over the next 18 months to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Johnson administration’s landmark legislative initiatives, which include civil rights and voting rights among many others.

This event is free and open to the public but registration is required. Limited free parking will be available on a first come, first served basis in the LBJ School parking lot, Lot 39.

Chafee was elected Governor of Rhode Island in 2010 as an Independent. In 2013, Chafee changed his political affiliation to the Democratic Party. Prior to being Governor, Chafee served as a Republican U.S. Senator from 1999 to 2007.

As Governor, Chafee has signed marriage equality into law, spearheaded health care reform and launched green infrastructure initiatives. As a U.S. Senator, Gov. Chafee fought for a middle-class economic agenda and environmental causes, such as protecting air and water quality and addressing climate change pollutants.

Following his tenure in the U.S. Senate, Gov. Chafee spent two years as a Distinguished Visiting Fellow at Brown University’s Watson Institute for International Studies, where he wrote Against the Tide: How a Compliant Congress Empowered a Reckless President. In his memoir, Gov. Chafee describes his opposition to Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthy and gives voice to a progressive vision for the future of the nation.

Apply for Junior Fellows

Junior Fellows

The Junior Fellows Program was begun in 1959 by Harry Ransom as a means of encouraging academic excellence in the College of Arts and Sciences.  At that time it was essentially an honor society to which students were elected at the end of their freshman year.  Over the years, the Junior Fellows has evolved into a society of juniors and seniors from the University at large who are engaged in independent research projects under the direction of members of the faculty.

Fellows are required to attend meetings of the group, held every other week in both the fall and spring semesters. Besides project presentations, meetings feature discussions led by eminent scholars from on and off campus. Fellows have the opportunity to participate in field trips, seminars, and other academic activities. It is possible to earn academic credit for work done as a Junior Fellow, by enrolling in the appropriate conference course with the supervising professor. For example, Humanities and Plan II majors usually use their senior theses as their Junior Fellows projects. Students pursuing Special Honors in their major use the honors thesis number. Other non-honors courses are also available, for example ARH 376, E 367C, CH 475K, RTF 336.  Fellows should register for the course that is approved by their advisers, fits into their degree plans, and has the right format for the chosen topic. Funds are available to assist Fellows with expenses involved in their research. There is also money available for Fellows who can demonstrate financial need.

Application Procedure

Application is open to any qualified student from any program on campus who will have completed 60 hours prior to the Fall semester.  Junior Fellows normally have a GPA of at least 3.75, but outstanding students whose abilities are manifested in other ways should not hesitate to apply. Although administered by the College of Liberal Arts, the program is open to all qualified students on campus. Many students from outside Liberal Arts are presently members.

For more information contact Dr. Larry Carver (carver@austin.utexas.edu) in the Liberal Arts Honors Office by email or phone at 471-3458.

Applications are due Friday, March 21, 2014 for the 2014-2015 academic year.
Membership in Junior Fellows begins the fall semester following the spring recruitment period.

LAHers Planning to Study Abroad in Latin America- Scholarships Available Through the Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies

The Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies is now offering a number of travel scholarships for study abroad in Latin America, both for summer 2014 and for academic year 2014-2015.  For summer 2014, there are  four $2,500 travel scholarships.  Students must attend degree-granting institutions in Latin America this coming summer and return with at least six hours of college credit.  For academic year 2014-2015,  six $5,000 travel scholarships for semester-long study abroad will be awarded.  Awardees must attend degree-granting institutions in Latin America and return with at least 12 hours of college credit.

Applications and letters of recommendation are due on March 6, 2014, without exception.  Please follow the link to the scholarship portal: http://bit.ly/WNaeWm

Campus Safety

LAHers if you are out and about late, please think about using SURE walk.  And for our female LAHers, there is a self-defense class you might be interested in.

SURE Walk is a student-run volunteer group that provides walks to and from campus to UT students, faculty, and staff, with the help of student volunteers.  Volunteers are gathered from trusted organizations from around campus, such as Orange Jackets and APO, and include both males and females.
An agency of Student Government, SURE Walk is in service Monday through Thursday from 10 p.m. – 2 a.m. during the fall and spring semesters.  To order a walk, call (512) 232-9255 or email orderasurewalk@gmail.com, and two volunteers, one male and one female, will meet you at your current location and walk you to your destination, whether it be on campus or in the greater campus neighborhoods.  If you have any questions, concerns, or if your organization is interested in volunteering, please e-mail: texassurewalk@gmail.com.
The RAD program is a 12-hour course of realistic self-defense tactics and techniques for women that cover assault prevention and risk reduction while progressing on to basic hands-on defense training.