Daily Archives: February 24, 2014

Penny Wars!

Liberal Arts Honors Student Council will be having a money war for Be An Anchor Fundraiser!

The goal is simple: The jar with the most amount of money will win!


There will be three jars in the LAH office, one for each advisor. Depending on which jar gets the most money, the advisor will do something special for the LAH community!


What are they willing to do?

Linda Shipley Mayhew will dress up as a jockey and gallop around with a hobby-horse


Stacey Amorous will dress up as Professor McGonagall


Dr. Carver will have a dramatic reading of a rap song

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask Haley Williams or Ena Ganguly about VAV and Be an Anchor!


The Health Professions Fair is held each spring. Approximately 600 students, alumni and community members attend. In addition, 70-75 professional schools are generally in attendance. This event is an opportunity for anyone who attends to meet and talk with admissions representatives from practically every health professions school in the state and many from across the country. We know it would be impossible for most of us to visit every school, so we bring the schools to you! All UT Austin students, alumni and any community members who are interested in finding out more about the health professions career pathway are welcome to attend. We encourage business casual attire.


List of Schools Attending & Student Information Packet

Students: Please note you do not need to RSVP for this event. Come as you can during your day.

2014 Fair Date: Wednesday, February 26th, 2014 – Texas Union Ballroom

Student Suggested Fair Dress


Health Professions Fair Q&A Speaker Panels in the Texas Governor’s Room.

·         11:30am – Medical /Dental/ Physician’s Assistant

·         1:00pm – Health Professions Pathways

There are only 40 seats available so come early. We will announce the panels during the fair.

Rapoport Service Scholarship Extended Deadline

Dear Liberal Arts Freshmen,

The deadline for the Rapoport Scholarship has been extended until February 28th, 2014.  Please apply online if you are interested in one of the best scholarship programs at UT-Austin.

Rapoport Service Scholars receive a $10,000 scholarship each year for three years and a brand new Macbook laptop.  The recipients of the scholarship commit to performing 200 hours of  community service each summer for three summers, completing a BDP, as well as taking two courses designed specifically for the scholars and participating in service events during the year. Fifteen scholars are being selected this year.

Rapoport Service Scholarship

Deadline Extended to February 28th, 2014


If you have any further questions about the program or scholarship please contact Eric Bowles  bowles@austin.utexas.edu .