Global Policy Studies & International Security LBJ School

Parsing the Dept. of State’s Security Clearance Process

Photo: (cc) Shashi Bellamkonda Social Media Swami Network Solutions Crook Fellow Michael Deegan is based this summer in the Office of the Coordinator of Assistance to Europe and Eurasia with the State Department in Washington D.C., and shares his experiences and advice on the State Dept.’s security clearance process: I couldn’t believe it. After all but giving up and starting a […]

Global Policy Studies & International Security

Empowering Innovators to Tackle the World’s Most Pressing Issues

Photo: Indi Samarjiva CC 2.0 2017 Crook Fellow Samer Yousif is interning this summer with Ashoka, a nonprofit that supports a worldwide network of social entrepreneurs in their mission to address development issues in their own localities. Here he updates us on his work evaluating the impact of these entrepreneurs’ initiatives: The capitalist structure has […]

Global Policy Studies & International Security

Living amongst poverty: does it get easier?

Photo: elaine faith 2017 Crook Fellow Jessi Stafford shares her observations on the effects of poverty on daily living conditions in La Paz Centro, Nicaragua, seen as she works this summer for Artists for Soup: I’ve seen it many times. Volunteers come to help missionaries, non-profits, or other organizations working with the impoverished. They’re trying to do […]

Global Policy Studies & International Security Philanthropy & Non-Profit Organizations

4 Reasons Why Global Food Security is Necessary for U.S. National Security

Photo: European Commission One million children die each year from hunger. This statistic is staggering, but it is about to get much worse. Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N (FAO) Director-General Jose Graziano De Silva warns that without emergency food aid over the next 6 months, “20 million people will starve to death in […]

Civil Rights Global Policy Studies & International Security Politics and Governance

A Lesson on Religious Violence from South Asia

Photo: persecutionbd This past week, a proponent of religious and ethnic tolerance came to University of Texas Law School to discuss religiously motivated violence in Bangladesh. The Law School’s Rapoport Center hosted the talk by Khushi Kabir (pictured above), activist and public face of Nijera Kori, a Bangladeshi NGO that educates and mobilizes the rural poor […]

Economics & Trade Policy Global Policy Studies & International Security Politics and Governance

US-Mexico Relations in the Trump Era—Where Do We Go From Here?

Photo: Reuters/Henry Romero In my class with the Strauss Center’s Mexico Security Initiative[1], my classmates and I are fine-tuning our policy report for the upcoming 2018 Mexican elections.  Set against the backdrop of brutal crime and cartel violence, our project focuses on strategies for the next Mexican administration regarding several key policy arenas—economic, security, civil society, […]

Global Policy Studies & International Security Philanthropy & Non-Profit Organizations

Three Weeks in Mumbai

Photo: Sarah Blumberg, the author and her cohort shown in front of the Ashte village Community Center The children turned attentively and chorused “Good Morning, Teacher!” as we entered the room. Students sat cross-legged on the floor with their school bags splayed around the perimeter. One class excitedly recited the “continent” song for us and […]

Economics & Trade Policy Global Policy Studies & International Security LBJ School

A Pro-Women Opportunity for U.S. Policymakers

Photo: USAID. This op-ed was first published on The Hill on March 8, 2017.  Authors: Catherine Weaver (, Mary Vo (, Lina Nabulsi (, and Cassie Gianni ( On International Women’s Day on March 8, U.S. Congress can celebrate women by signaling their intent to fully fund the new Global Food Security Act (GFSA). In June […]

Global Policy Studies & International Security Immigration Policy LBJ School Politics and Governance

Sudanese-Americans Struggling for Hope in Trump’s America

Photo: Morguefile Like many people waking up last Saturday morning, I was shocked by President Trump’s executive order restricting immigration and banning refugees from entering the United States.  As a Sudanese-American Muslim holding dual citizenship, I am anxious and confused as to how this may affect my family and thousands of others.  Like many immigrants, […]

Global Policy Studies & International Security LBJ School Politics and Governance University of Texas at Austin

The Policy Student’s Approach for Defending Progress in the Trump Era

Photo: Paul Kuhne Last fall, I decided to quit my full-time job and apply to policy school. After some consideration, I enrolled at the Lyndon Baines Johnson School of Public Affairs as a candidate in Global Policy Studies. I had two reasons for attending LBJ. First, I believe in the values that LBJ espoused and […]